“We can’t take much more of this!”
I love the clip of Phlox running from the song like its a pack of Romero zombies
I just started watching this series, for the first time, earlier this week and was seriously [insert ops video here] by the theme song. Thank goodness for the skip button.
I wondered what this was going to be like. That was hilarious! 🤣
Does Phlox have any spare lungs? Because I lost mine watching this.
I think this one’s my favorite so far, it’s a tough call between Enterprise and Lower Decks for me.
I love how it seems like Phlox is up late watching movies and eating popcorn, while everyone else was woken up by the song and went to the bridge to try to deal with the faith of the heart. The person who made it says there is a second Enterprise theme being made as well.
This was excellent!