• There are reliable nonsurgical ways to lose weight long term.

    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23859104/ just the abstract, but basically most people can’t sustain a 5 % loss over 3 years with most regaining the weight and some adding additional weight.

    Even the studies that claim long term success have to use shorter time-frames:


    The above one defines successful long term weight loss as 10% reduction after one year with about a 20% success rate. To put this in perspective, a 300 pound person in a weight loss success if they get to 270 and stay there for a year.

    To maintain their weight loss, members report engaging in high levels of physical activity (≈1 h/d), eating a low-calorie, low-fat diet, eating breakfast regularly, self-monitoring weight, and maintaining a consistent eating pattern across weekdays and weekends.

    An hour of physical activity every single day on a reduced calorie diet sounds miserable. That’s your life, it revolves around finding time to both do an hour of serious exercise and planning what you eat.

    Only replies with citations from reputable journals will be taken seriously. The plural of anecdote is not data.

    • descent_into_ruin@lemm.ee
      5 hours ago

      It’s about making healthy lifestyle decisions that fit into your day-to-day schedule. I get an hour of exercise a day just by riding my bike to work, and the reason I’m able to do that is my main criteria for buying a house was living in a walkable neighborhood and being able to ride my bike to work.

      Not having time to exercise is a symptom of not living in a walkable neighborhood.

    • athairmor@lemmy.world
      9 hours ago

      I don’t think that’s the myth, though. I don’t hear people saying that fatty food makes you fat. I do hear “eat less fat.” A high-fat diet is bad for you. Eat too much and it will make you fat among other things but you can say that about anything you over-eat.

      The myth is “low-fat food is automatically healthy.”

      Most people probably don’t need to worry about fat if they just eat a reasonably healthy diet.

      It’s a cognitive problem.

      Good science says: “high-fat diets are associated with these poor health outcomes.”

      People hear: “fat bad! Give us all the fat-free food!”

      Good science says: “no, we need fat just not too much and some kinds are better than others.”

      People hear: “nothing wrong with fat! ‘Fat bad’ was bullshit! Eat all the fat!”

  • notaviking@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    That salt causes high blood pressure. Like I understand there was a theory about how it could lead to high blood pressure, but empirical evidence shows that modern salt consumption is not the reason for high blood pressure