One hobby turned into a career (software engineering), which hopefully means I’m decent at it. I also play the bass guitar, which I okay at, but eagerly trying to reach a high level. I have a million other hobbies that I do fine at. But grading yourself is only useful as a way to keep from stagnating and to create healthy goals. The internet is really dangerous in this regard, because you’ll always find someone who’s way better than you. At the end of the day I just want to keep my brain stimulated and have fun with the time I have.
One hobby turned into a career (software engineering), which hopefully means I’m decent at it. I also play the bass guitar, which I okay at, but eagerly trying to reach a high level. I have a million other hobbies that I do fine at. But grading yourself is only useful as a way to keep from stagnating and to create healthy goals. The internet is really dangerous in this regard, because you’ll always find someone who’s way better than you. At the end of the day I just want to keep my brain stimulated and have fun with the time I have.