Never heard of it, been using windows for gaming for 25 years. Sometimes I think people are just…not good at things.
Same with lasso. Klite is of course the goat, won’t pretend I’ve never heard of it. Last time I used it was…2010? I think that’s about right. Windows defender I guess is there, but I’m generally unaware of it.
If you uninstalls display drivers from control panel, windows leaves some changes that were made when installing the driver, like registry edits. This can sometimes cause issues, especially if you are putting in a new GPU from a different brand. Not guaranteed by any means, but this doesn’t have anything go do with a lack of skill.
Process lasso I’ve only head about in the context of r9 x3d CPUs since windows scheduler sometimes doesn’t run the game on the optimal CCD, some games have lower performance compared to the r7 x3d that can be fixed this way.
They all exist for Windows 11. DDU is highly recommended from what I’ve seen in forums.
Never heard of it, been using windows for gaming for 25 years. Sometimes I think people are just…not good at things.
Same with lasso. Klite is of course the goat, won’t pretend I’ve never heard of it. Last time I used it was…2010? I think that’s about right. Windows defender I guess is there, but I’m generally unaware of it.
If you uninstalls display drivers from control panel, windows leaves some changes that were made when installing the driver, like registry edits. This can sometimes cause issues, especially if you are putting in a new GPU from a different brand. Not guaranteed by any means, but this doesn’t have anything go do with a lack of skill.
Process lasso I’ve only head about in the context of r9 x3d CPUs since windows scheduler sometimes doesn’t run the game on the optimal CCD, some games have lower performance compared to the r7 x3d that can be fixed this way.