• albigu@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Oh yeah, I didn’t mean to say you were criticising her appearance or anything of the sort. It’s just that us brain weirdos tend to look weird in pictures (and out of them) in ways that might look like some kind of “body language” to the neurotypical observer. Even “normal” people have that happen to them a lot too. It’s generally hard to parse such things from a picture, which is why I felt like pointing that out.

    • bleepingblorp@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      I know and am also not what people would call normal. I have panic attacks on the regular in crowds and can’t even grocery shop during certain hours of certain days because of it. Also been involuntarily hospitalized a few times as well. Since I’m also a USian this stuff costs me between $10k - $20k USD per year, the variation depending on how good my insurance is amd how bad a given year is for me.

      I’m not the flavor of neuro diverse Greta is, but I try to be aware of these things.

      Greta, I’ve noticed, exudes a lot of confidence and poise when she is in her element, which is the environmental activist sphere. As I suspect she should be since she is actually very well educated in. When she speaks or poses for pictures or whatever while doing things related to these matters, she is clearly confident.

      But she isn’t all that knowledgeable about imperialism. Or geopolitics. Or socio-economics. Or the NATO/Russia/Ukraine relationship.

      So here she is, likely having already spent several hours already with these people, who would’ve been talking to her about shit she knows next to nothing about, appearing uncomfortable in the photo shoot. Because she is out of her element and knows it.