Warning: r slurs in the follow ups in the thread.


my reactions are as follows: Even if thats true, which it isnt for every autistic person, the reality is right now is that jobs dont have accomodations for neurdivergent thinking so its irrelevant to say that. Like we can push for and advocate for more inclusive workplaces, but its not the reality autsitic people are dealing with rn.

Especially since like, there are jobs that autistic people can do well but most of them are not “entry level” jobs that anyone can get without qualifications. Retail and food service jobs are near impossible for most autistic people and those are the jobs you can get easy. Manual labor jobs arent much better. I’ve worked at an after school program but I only lasted as long as I did because my original boss let me get away with not “running activities” the reality is that even if you’re good with kids like me most jobs with kids have expectaitons that arent just “being good with kids” that arent good for autistic people. Idk about office stuff.

It reminds me of my ex-friend who claimed to be communist but had a lot of reactionairy attitudes. He always told me that if I ever called him on something and told him it was ableist he would take it seriously, and even called out others when they treated me abliestly. But one day when he posted on his Twitter shitting on Spoon Theory I texted him to call him on that and he started ranting all this shit about how you can “always push through” and talking about how his manual labor job cured his depression (and acting like that will be the case for everyone if they just push, and that manual labor is a cure all) and then started accusing me of wasting my life and making excuses and using my disability as a criticism shield. We no longer talk much lol.

  • I’m not diagnosed with anything because I’m poor and my parents sucked but I’m so tired of this idea that disability is too easy to get on. Anyone that has gone through the dehumanizing process of applying for disability and actually ended up getting it and can find a way to live off less than poverty wages they give you should not feel the least bit bad about it, even if they could hypothetically work with enough accommodations. Because no one makes those accommodations, those hypothetica ljobs that you could do don’t exist, we’d need a radically different society than the one we do now where people are given assistance and have every accommodation. Until then, fuck anyone that says some people don’t deserve it.