I have seen many people in this community either talking about switching to Brave, or people who are actively using Brave. I would like to remind people that Brave browser (and by extension their search engine) is not privacy-centric whatsoever.
Brave was already ousted as spyware in the past and the company has made many decisions that are questionable at best. For example, Brave made a cryptocurrency which they then added to a rewards program that is built into the browser to encourage you to enable ads that are controlled by Brave.
After creating this cryptocurrency and rewards program, they started inserting affiliate codes into URL’s. Prior to this they had faked fundraising for popular social media creators.
Do these decisions seem like ones a company that cares about their users (and by extension their privacy) would make? I’d say the answer is a very clear no.
One last thing, Brave illegally promoted an eToro affiliate program, making (presumably) thousands of dollars off their users.
Look, just… just use fire fox! Sure some sights aren’t optimized for it, but it’s a minor difference in performance from a chromium based browser.
And the more people use fire fox the more sights will have a reason to optimize for it.
Anything that is using chromium is still using something built by Google, and thus if Google tries to alter chromium to make ad blockers stop working, or some other asinine idea, there isn’t much a browser can do about it.
Use librewolf instead of Firefox to get rid of the whole spyware part of it. Librewolf only has a single request when starting, to “check for updates”. But using Firefox is the second best thing you can do both for your privacy and to fight Google’s " Web Environment Integrity" crap.
I personally use Librewolf, can agree with this.
What would you use for Android phones?
Mull is pretty good from what I’ve heard. I think GrapheneOS comes with it’s own browser built in.
mull or fennec
Firefox is also really good on Android these days. I use that with all the usual ad blocking and privacy extensions I have on desktop.
and 80% of firefox’s revenue is JUST Google. we are fighting an uphill battle here