Any Germans want to weigh in on this? I believe the AfD is, like, super far right and it has 18%? That seems like a lot of support…

  • Better Red Than
    1 year ago

    many reactionary / conservative newspapers, large amount of anti-socialist propaganda, voters only care about identity politics and who can bash who the most, large conspiracy theory movements, east germany gets constantly exploited since 1989 by west german capitalists and news outlets have stirred a large amount of hatred for east germans, so that noone could think for one second that socialism is good -> resulted in hatred for the government in east germans and west german fascists taking control of said hatrid, immigration caused by US imperialist wars has brought up an easy target for bigots to say immigrants are the problem, government fails to stop alt-right movements and is generally incapable of governing, people misinterpret the real causes of late capitalism, etc etc etc, you get the idea, its generally the same as everywhere else in the western world.

      • Better Red Than
        1 year ago

        Ah okay, sorry. Here: SPD: Social Democratic Party of Germany, CDU: Christian Democratic Union (=Conservative, CSU is their Bavarian branch, which has been even more conservative historically). Grune: Green Party, started off from ‘Maoist’ extra-parliamentary movements, but has since become a neoliberal party that makes the poor pay for their climate programs instead of the rich, FPD: Free Democratic Party, Neoliberal, they like the taste of US’ imperialist boots, AfD: Alternative for Germany, right-wing populist to neo-nazi party, has radicalised a lot since 2020 Die LINKE; The LEFT, Marxist, democratic socialist party, largest left wing party that is not offically surveilled by the intelligence, has been losing a lot of votes since Sarah Wagenknecht went crazy.

          1 year ago

          has been losing a lot of votes since Sarah Wagenknecht went crazy.

          Sorry, but Sarah did not go crazy. The new leadership of the party basically threw every pro-worker position over board and replaced it with liberal idpol bullshit in a cheap attempt to become the next Grüne/Bündnis 90. This predictably failed, because the orginal already exists and people at the existence minimum tend to be kind apathetic (at best) towards idpol. The massive loss of votes happened before Sarah said anything. She then correctly pointed outt he mistakes of the party leadership, which ignored her (at best, demonization was more common), which led to a continuation of the downwards trend.

          I hope the party splits soon, those radlibs in the current Linke ruined it.

        • The NVA
          1 year ago

          I would call Die Linke neither Marxist nor attribute their fall to Wagenknecht. Die Linke is more or less just a melting pot of various vaguely “leftist” positions, but it is not clearly marxist. I have never seen them advocate or employing Marxist analysis. There are Marxsists in Die Linke, but from my personal experiences, most of them are pretty unhappy with the party.

          As for Wagenknecht, isn’t she one of the most popular politicians according to polls at the moment? The downfall of Die Linke has been going on for quite some time now, and I don’t think it started with Wagenknecht, nor do I really think Wagenknecht is responsible for losing votes. Die Linke has had issues gathering Working Class votes for a long time now, and I think that comes mainly from their inability to provide the working class with a proper alternative vision for the future (Socialism) as well as their constant, open infighting.

          • Better Red Than
            1 year ago

            Yes, they are a “democratic socialist” party. If you read Lenin’s works you know why this concept is inherently bad and just supports the ruling class in one way or another