I have been using Skiff for about a year or so and was only satisfied with their email which can forward your Gmail emails and have aliases for free, the calendar app didn’t notify me so it was useless but now it does and it works very well, I could also import my Tutanota calendar very easily. The drive has 10gb for free and can now download all your Google drive in one click and you can use IPFS as storage, this company is really making it easy to get out of Google with a smile.

  • @CrypticCoffee@lemm.ee
    227 months ago

    Probably an ad, but much more subtle if so. The old ones were so blatant. :)

    What does it give you that proton or tutanota doesn’t?

    • Mnmalst
      147 months ago

      What does a whitepaper have to do with crypto?

        • Mnmalst
          137 months ago

          Whitepaper is just a different term for a technical documentation[1] and has literally nothing to do with cryptocurrency. Your reasoning in your initial post doesn’t make any sense what so ever. I guarantee most of the companies you mentioned, if not all, published white papers for various topics in their past. I can only repeat myself, white papers have absolutely nothing to do with crypto currency. Just as one example. Check the Signal protocol[2] Wikipedia page and search for whitepaper.

          It’s ok to not know what a white paper is but then don’t start your posts with “Looked pretty interesting, until I saw the “read whitepaper” button.”.

          That being said, where in the skiff white paper did you find crypto currency? Admittedly I didn’t read all or even most of it but a simple search for “currency”, “blockchain” or even “chain” doesn’t return any results. I really hope you don’t talk about the word “crypto”, cause then you really have to do some reading and educate yourself on the topic.

          [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_paper

          [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_Protocol

  • _haha_oh_wow_
    7 months ago

    Never heard of it, am suspicious.

    Also, those icons in the preview image look like an abstracted Peter Griffin.

    “Lois, look: I’m icons now! Hehehehehehehehe!”

          • _haha_oh_wow_
            7 months ago

            IDK, I’ve overdosed on Imagination™ and the lines of reality are just gone now: Maybe it was all just some crazy fever dream.

            Fun unrelated fact: It’s is just a contraction of it and is, its would be what you’d use to show ownership (no apostrophe) because English is wacky like that.

            • @Devjavu@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              -17 months ago

              Oh no the radom dude online who speaks another language made a quick mistake. Better make sure to correct him! Why do people always get a boner from grammatics? Its ridiculous! (hehe)

  • @neutron@thelemmy.club
    7 months ago

    Looks interesting. The first glance it looks like “Yet another company trying to make Email what it isn’t”, which means breaking all compatibility with existing mechanisms (e.g. IMAP) at cost of getting locked-in into their own ecosystem (unless you pay premium and enable IMAP back like Proton does).

    This is why while I want companies like Proton and Tutanota succeed, I don’t use their email products for business purposes.

      • @kraniax@lemmy.wtf
        47 months ago

        the day I don’t find a provider with IMAP support is the day I’ll leave email for good. You won’t force me to use your absurdly bloated and full of telemetry web clients or your incompatible encryption.

        OpenPGP + NeoMutt has been my email workflow for 10 years now.

          • @kraniax@lemmy.wtf
            27 months ago

            I didn’t mean this specific one. I don’t know anything about Skiff other than this post is a sketchy camouflaged ad for them.

            If they supported IMAP maybe I would look further, but that’s my very first requisite that they didn’t meet.

    • visnudevaOP
      17 months ago

      You can choose between Skiff storage or IPFS, IPFS is a decentralized file storage system, which means that there is no central authority controlling the system, making it more secure than traditional centralized file storage systems. IPFS uses a number of security features, such as encryption and hashing, to protect files, making it a secure way to store sensitive information.

      I don’t know about email encryption except for what they say.

      They call copy and paste are called move and duplicate.

      As I said their app are not perfect yet but they are improving very fast, what is missing is being fixed as we speak.

      • @taladar@sh.itjust.works
        27 months ago

        there is no central authority controlling the system, making it more secure than traditional centralized file storage systems.

        Not really. Maybe more available but almost certainly less secure compared to files just sitting on a single server somewhere in terms of data being accessible to attackers.

  • mayooooo
    57 months ago

    I wanted to try this but saw crypto crap. Nope, can’t trust them

  • @sir_reginald@lemmy.world
    17 months ago

    this company is really making it easy to get out of Google with a smile.

    yet another fake privacy initiative. this post is clearly an ad

  • visnudevaOP
    7 months ago

    For those who think it is an AD, it isn’t. I just like Skiff so I made a post about it to see what people from the privacy sub think of it, clearly and without much explanation most of you don’t like it. I genuinely thought it was a good company, now I am not sure anymore without knowing why. I would have loved more explainations about why is it so bad.