I hate and loathe myself because of asking for help again (and by the way, thanks a lot to the person who helped me), but something quite unexpected happened to me and I don’t have the financial resources at the moment, so I’m back here… I didn’t want to ask for help back here, I’ve never really asked for help online in this way, so I thought about going to other Lemmy communities but I can’t find any, and on Reddit (which I personally don’t use) most communities just for the privilege (according to them) of posting I need to have accumulated karma in their specific sub and up to 60 days of activity, so honestly, fuck Reddit.

My cat who is only 3 years old yesterday in the afternoon he didn’t want to eat much, he’s not apathetic and looks fine but that’s not really normal for him. Then today in the morning I served him some tuna and he ate but really little, and to my surprise when I went to clean his litter box I find that he had bloody diarrhea… It has been about 10 hours since I saw his bloody diarrhea and although I offer him more food he is not really interested, there is something in him that attracts him to food but then he smells it and does not eat, I have tried with different cat foods and none of them attract him, and no, the tuna does not attract him now either. Besides, I saw him vomit several times and he basically threw up the little he ate.

According to what I read, it could be intestinal parasites and I think it is possible, although I think the last time I dewormed him was only 3 months ago at the most.

A consultation at the vet in my country costs around $30, only the consultation and follow up, I have no idea how much it might cost an exam in case he needs one, and then the medicines… My idea was to open a GoFundMe but it is not available in my country, and I thought about opening one with a VPN but most likely it will ask me for bank details from the country where I am supposed to be, so really my only option is Paypal. I could also create a Venmo account, but I don’t know if it makes any difference for this purpose.

Edit: For privacy reasons, I delete some context.

Thank you if you got this far reading, anyone who can donate me any amount no matter how small would be greatly appreciated, my Paypal is cathex@tutanota.com!

Edit: OMG thank you so much to the person who donated me! I appreciate it very much and so does my cat!