Pause means we can continue later. Coward can’t even say the ‘c’-word. CEASEFIRE

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    Come on people don’t memory hole it

    March Democratic Debate Transcript: Joe Biden & Bernie Sanders

    Ilia Calderón: (00:15) Thank you, Jake. Let’s move now to foreign policy. Senator Sanders, there are about 1.5 million Cuban Americans living in Florida right now. Why would they vote for you when they hear you praise a program of Fidel Castro, a dictator who jailed, tortured, and killed thousands of Cubans.

    Bernie Sanders: (00:36) I have opposed or authoritarianism, whether it’s in Cuba, whether it’s in Saudi Arabia, whether it’s in China or whether it is in Russia. That is my life record. I believe unlike the president of the United States, in democracy, not authoritarianism in Cuba or any place else.