• athlon@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    According to the latest edition of “Biology” by Campbell:

    “Although sex has traditionally been described as binary - male or female - we are coming to understand that this classification may be too simplistic. […] A person who inherits two X chromosomes, one from each parent, usually develops anatomy we associate with the “female” sex, while “male” properties are associated with the inheritance of one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. […] The biochemical, physiological, and anatomical features associated with “males” and “females” are turning out to be more complicated than previously thought, with many genes involved in their development. Because of the complexity of this process, many variations exist: Some individuals vary in the number of sex chromosomes in their cells, and others are born with intermediate sexual (intersex) characteristics, or with anatomical features that do not match an individual’s sense of their own gender (transgender individuals). Sex determination is an active area of research that will likely yield a more sophisticated understanding in years to come.”

    • ihatetroons@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      TLDR version: there are 2 sexes but here’s some extra CYA bullshit since the majority of academia is a bunch of liberal whiners and will act like faggots if we don’t change the text and we would really rather keep making money from book sales

      At least, that’s how I’m reading it 😝

      • athlon@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Well then I don’t know what you read, as the correct TLDR is:

        Sex is not as simple as male or female. It is determined by a combination of genetic, biochemical, physiological, and anatomical factors. The traditional binary view of sex is being challenged as we discover more complexities. Some people may have variations in the number of sex chromosomes or be born with intermediate sexual characteristics. Additionally, some individuals may have anatomical features that do not align with their gender identity. Research is ongoing in this field to gain a deeper understanding of sex determination.

        • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
          1 year ago

          Vast majority of humans fit nicely in male or female. Any deviation from that is a genetic mistake/anomaly. Plastics in the mother’s diet has been shown to somewhat feminize men. And perhaps for the rest of their life. Distance from butt hole to balls shrinks, penis shrinks, balls shrinks and perhaps (we don’t know for sure yet) their minds are more feminine. They are still men though. Just men who were born out of polluted sludge. Intersex people are an extremely small percentage of the population and everyone has empathy for them. Because they are effectively broken. That isn’t the usual trans furry lecturing gender on reddit/Lemmy though. Bless their hearts.

        • markeuzu@exploding-heads.com
          1 year ago

          Thats all nice and dandy but the doctor still has to know if you are a dude or a chick at birth so they can actually help you.

          If you want to play pretend gender with the other weirdos you should go do that dont get me wrong. I think its hilarious that grown men chop off their dick to appease randoms online.

          You know what studies you should look up btw? Correlations between autism and transgender.

  • randomname01@feddit.nl
    1 year ago

    Absolutely no one claims there are no biological differences between men and women, so not sure who you think you’re getting one over on with this.

    The only reason you guys think you can absolutely destroy trans people is by fundamentally misunderstanding their points, often deliberately so. It’s embarrassing, if you take a step back.

    • markeuzu@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      We are just making fun of how ugly all trains look. Your dumbass automatically assumes we are talking about biology. Now go fondle some manboobs.

      • randomname01@feddit.nl
        1 year ago

        What an absolute waste of your time lol. Completely leaving politics aside, why would you take time to tell people they’re ugly when you could be doing literally anything else?

        • ihatetroons@exploding-heads.com
          1 year ago

          Why do you give a shit what people choose to do with their own body?

          If they did it in a vacuum or a deserted island and I didn’t have to know or care, then I wouldn’t give a shit.

          If I literally didn’t have to refer to them differently (like for instances, somebody decided to chop off their dick and become a eunuch), and there was no misguided initiative to spread the idiocy to children, or to make women compete against eunuchs, I wouldn’t give a shit.

          If there weren’t shit human beings that are so delusional that they think being a eunuch with a “bonus hole” and some hormones makes them a woman and therefore they can misrepresent themselves as one, I wouldn’t give a shit.

          • Rolder@reddthat.com
            1 year ago

            Why is using a different word to refer to someone such a problem? People don’t lose their minds when someone gets a non-gender related name change, like when a woman gets married and takes a new last name.

            And the pushing it on kids part is vastly over-exaggerated, best I can see, barring the occasional nutjob.

            • ihatetroons@exploding-heads.com
              1 year ago

              Why is using a different word to refer to someone such a problem?

              Depends. Do I get to pick which words I refer to them by? If so, then no, I’m all for it.

              But if I have to call a eunuch with an extra hole a “she”, then yes; that’s debasing to actual females and it’s feeding a delusion.

              And if I am required to call them something that I personally disagree with in order to avoid fines or HR issues then that’s even worse as it infringes on my own freedoms.

              People don’t lose their minds when someone gets a non-gender related name change, like when a woman gets married and takes a new last name.

              And non-gender name changes are generally restricted to just that - there’s no political agenda bullshit behind it. If “Harry Johnson” wants to change his name to “Paul Smith”, generally for most normal people it’s not about forcing others to acknowledge something but to not have a shitty name that responsible parents would have avoided (looking at you Elon), to change identities for witness protection or similar, or to cut ties with an old life / estranged family. Or in the case of a marriage, to acknowledge tying oneself to another primary family unit.

              Even the more reasonable pronoun (meaning feminine/masculine/neuter) stuff still implicitly tacks on acceptance of their politics and there is the authoritarian aspect of forcing people. I’m pretty sure if I wanted to be an asshole and refer to someone with a non-gender related name change by the old name, that the worst that is going to happen is I would annoy that person. I’m never going to have my livelihood threatened or be fined over such a thing.

              And that’s assuming we restrict to reasonable pronouns and don’t allow people to make up whatever fucking bullshit they want.

              You might not think that little language details like this matter but then if that’s the case you probably haven’t spent much time considering all the effort that needs to go into little stupid minutia changes like this. I remember when BLM was in full swing and people were bitching about the usage of terms like “whitelist” / “blacklist” too (despite the origin of these having absolutely nothing to do with skin color) and how much manpower it took for people who had to update legal verbiage, text on websites, and source code repositories (the latter also requiring rebuilding and retesting code, not to mention just fielding tickets for the requests… and this for literally thousands of projects, most of them by unpaid hobbyists).

              The people pushing this nonsense need to pull their heads out of their collective asses and stop expecting society to pivot on a dime and cater to them. Getting rid of bullying has created a generation that can’t handle criticism and expect everyone to treat them like someone special instead of someone “special”.

              At least 42% of these nutcases fix the problem themselves but that doesn’t take care of all the rabid sjw mongoloids chomping at the bit.

              And the pushing it on kids part is vastly over-exaggerated, best I can see, barring the occasional nutjob.

              It is literally being taught in some grade schools as part of the curriculum. Kids don’t need to think some nutjob lopping off his dick is normal behavior. They shouldn’t even fucking know about that shit at that age.

              Trans stuff shouldn’t be taught at school for any age.

              Them existing is fine and if they want to mutilate their own bodies, that’s their call. But stop trying to normalize their behavior to society. It’s just disgusting. If there are kids thinking about that, they should be taken to counseling to help overcome their depression / autism / etc. If they can’t be helped and are resolute, then they can eliminate themselves from the breeding pool after they reach adulthood and have had a few years to let the consequences of a major permanent surgery sink in.