• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Except I don’t deny my privilege, which is on such another scale as to be in a completely different world.

    Besides, he doesn’t just pretends to be self-made, he downright believes that his success comes from him being a genetically superior genius. He is consciously siring as much offspring as he possibly can (10 so far, 9 surviving, one of which publicly disowned him) to provide the world with future heroes. To call him a regular level narcissist would be akin to call a tiger a slightly oversized house cat.

    Lastly, I refuse to buy Nestlé products because some of them were made using slavery. Musk made his first fortune on the backs of slaves, treats his current employees as similarly to slaves as he can get away with and subjects them to both racist and sexual abuse.

    I may have the privilege of being born a cishet white male in a rich country, but that does NOT mean that I’m the equivalent of Apartheid Emerald Boy. Scale matters and immense differences in scale matter immensely.