Priest of capitalism has a take on reality
Holy shit, I have never heard an economist referred to like that. Very apt.
If you want to deep dive of capitalist occult analysis:
Really feeling the “high priests of capitalism” on this one
Biblically accurate economists
On a level plain, simple mounds look like hills; and the insipid flatness of our present bourgeoisie is to be measured by the altitude of its great intellects.
Ok, so this guy’s account history is fucking amazing, just look at this absolute banger:
Orthodox economic practices have existed for millennia, but the concept of “capitalism” was invented in the 1840s by the same people who claimed to have invented a viable alternative.
Think of it like the word “cisgender” that was invented by people advocating something abnormal, without wanting to acknowledge that the alternative is the norm.
“Why do so many Russians grow their own food?”
Also, half of his posts seem to be about anti-semitism, but then he asks if people in Russia have conspiracy theories specifically about Jews, so i’m thinking
You need to understand that everything bad that has ever happened was because of Russia
They don’t want you to know this, but you know the Sea Peoples? Yeah, well their army ran off of shashlik and Stoli, if you know what i mean.
Millenia? Really? This guy just thinks capitalism is the exchange of goods
economics is when there is money. imagine you’re on a desert island and you have 5 crabs. another guy has 3 palm trees. that’s economics, actually.
Never go full Dunning–Kruger.
yea classical econ is clearly not pseudoscience with recessions happening every couple of years
Economists have successfully predicted 9 out of the last 5 recessions
econ major
So a dumbass, then?
Eugenicists with math.
Half of all economics experiments can not be replicated. If you go to their forums like ejmr you will realize these people are the dumbest dipshits alive. Even they themselves don’t believe the bullshit they’re peddling.
If you go to their forums like ejmr
I went and checked this place out quickly and in roughly two minutes I managed to come across antisemitism, racism, support for genocide, and some sort of fake university grifters. Amazing.
A community full of money-grubbing gluttons that think ethics are for the weak and regularly plot how to sucker people into doing hard work for them, pay them nothing, so they never have to lift a finger in their lives.
Also thinks that all the environmental damage is worth it to respect ‘property rights’
“Hey everyone, I just came up with a joke about how da jooz are greedy penny-pinchers!”
Do anglos not realize that they embody almost every antisemitic stereotype out there? /Pol/ is nothing but mental masturbation about how white people will dominate the earth just because they can.
Do anglos not realize that they embody almost every antisemitic stereotype out there?
Hilarious how even this is something Marx wrote about in 1844
It was so much worse than I imagined
Half of all economics experiments can not be replicated
Is there an actual study which makes this claim, like the one that exists in psychology? Or is this your intuïtion? Not doubting you btw. As a marxist economist, I’d just like the citation.
I might have gotten the psychology study mixed up with a study on economics.
Don’t worry, you weren’t that far off:
About 40% of economics experiments fail replication survey
Also this; I quote:
Camerer et al. found that two-thirds of the 18 studies examined yielded replicable estimates of effect size and direction. This proportion is somewhat lower than unaffiliated experts were willing to bet…
In other words, ~33% failed to be replicated. Also this pearl:
Now you see it, now you don’t: emerging contrary results in economics
…with several (20+) examples of two accepted papers having wildly different conclusions despite using the same dataset for the same purpose.
Reddit moment.
The right “fucking loves economics” the same way they say we “fucking love science”.
They love it because even though neoclassical economics was discredited nearly a century ago during the Great Depression, it still lives on as conservatives’ understanding of what “economics” is. But all they do is argue from pseudo-psychological first principles like “people are always selfish” or “people always maximize their utility” and try and construct an entire reductive science around that, wholly unconstrained by empirical evidence. And that science conveniently fits in with their conservative political ideas like “giving poor people money will only be wasted”.
Meanwhile Marxian economics is the opposite. The idea isn’t to create “first principles” and try and determine everything from that. It’s overdeterministic. The point isn’t to be able to explain every aspect of the economy like why a basketball autographed by an NBA star is worth more a normal basketball when the socially necessary labor time of both is the same (we actually can, but that’s beside the point). Marxian economics tries to explain the broader trends like commodity production but is flexible enough and open to there being exceptions to the rules.
If you are involved with a real science like physics, you will understand why the first (conservative neoclassical economics) is not a science and the second (Marxian economics) is.
neoclassical economics was discredited nearly a century ago during the Great Depression
And they’ve replaced it with neoliberal economics, which is even wronger.
Weirdly enough I feel like physics and Marx should attract similar people. Physics is about discovering the fundamental laws underlying seemingly disparate phenomena. The average physicist gets a half chubb talking about the unification of electricity and magnetism as a single force. Why shouldn’t every physicist also read about commodity fetishism and the reproduction of an inverted ideology in which social relations between humans appear as relations among things? It’s beautifully elegant.
deleted by creator
Yeah, but caring about things is STUPID and is for STUPID BABBIES!. I’m a big boy and know that the multinational corporation is always right. Porky’s greed helps us become the best, most productive versions of ourselves to better serve our purpose to porky, if you don’t like that then you’re clearly not a big boy like me.
It’s basically social science infused with anti-western Marxist pseudoscience, minus economics because Marxist economic propaganda has been discredited beyond repair
Lol. Lmao even
Someone tell this to my sociology professor who used sociology as a proxy for market research.
This is the most reddit comment I’ve ever seen
Holy fuck, this part especially is just
the entire subject of sociology is nothing more than a conduit for Kremlin propaganda
B you live like this?
Some people really do have a mental interior resembling a hot couch room
just to be clear. economy is a social science.
except what he’s doing isn’t science
and it’s not economics either.
it’s also anti-social
he thinks social science and sociology are different things i think. like sociology is when you do social science, but also you hate america.
He doesn’t live in a society
CMV: No one has more
than those with Western economics degrees.
Funnily enough in my experience if you talk to anyone in academia outside of econ, it’s the first field anyone makes fun of (because in it’s current state it’s not a serious field of study)
Even the STEM assholes I’ve met usually take sociology at least just as or more seriously than economics (at least as a major, they still believe in their own investment strategies)
It’s the extreme rigour with which they perceive themselves, and the sentiment I’ve always seen of, “I know how the world works, it’s money”
I don’t see the need for the condescension. My background was in biology, I spoke to another friend about how competition is inefficient and cooperation is more fruitful from an ecological (read: natural science) standpoint. And he started to debate me, my claims are empirical, they don’t rely on axioms on what human nature is as argued by philosophers of old (not hating on them, it’s the superficial interpretation some econfolk seem to have which is what I find erroneous) and what it means to be rational. I did not bother to try and explain, the Um, akshully they came at me with was so off-putting.
It’s the extreme rigour with which they perceive themselves
To get into any econ PhD program essentially requires a math degree. Which is funny because afaik the only other programs that might require that much math are like, physics and math itself.
They then proceed to develop all these intense models, which is what they say the math is needed for. And yeah, sure, the models themselves are complex. But they’re all bullshit. It’s like building some quantitively rigorous model that “proves” intelligent design or that climate change is a hoax. Just because you use a lot of high level math doesn’t mean you’re actually using that math in a correct or useful way.
Epicycle models of the solar system were also mathematically complex; at least those approximated real-world patterns.
from the snippet in the original post, emphasis mine:
In the first three weeks of the current operation, Swords of Iron, the civilian proportion of total deaths rose to 61%, in what Levy described as “unprecedented killing”. The ratio is significantly higher than the civilian toll in all the conflicts around the world during the 20th century, in which civilians accounted for about half the dead.
“The broad conclusion is that extensive killing of civilians not only contributes nothing to Israel’s security, but that it also contains the foundations for further undermining it,” Levy concluded. “The Gazans who will emerge from the ruins of their homes and the loss of their families will seek revenge that no security arrangements will be able to withstand.”
This reads to me less like, “so we should definitely stop bombing them ASAP to mitigate that threat!” and much more like, “so we would probably just go ahead and kill them all to eliminate that threat,” especially considering it was published in Haaretz.
also, the dude we’re supposed to be dunking on is a stinky poopoo head with pennies for brains and a shriveled little heart that resembles a dirty wad of crumpled cash