I’ve thought a lot about stuff like this and this is pretty cool but this basically looks like just a tagging system for files, which already exists in many ways. A true graph based file system wouldn’t just be an overlay over a directory tree. Would love to see some kinda filesystem dedicated to graph representation, where each file is a node with multiple edges.
I’m always on the lookout for something like this. tmsu is pretty close, but have you found anything better? There’s a paupacy of software for Linux in this space, and I don’t understand why.
I’ve thought a lot about stuff like this and this is pretty cool but this basically looks like just a tagging system for files, which already exists in many ways. A true graph based file system wouldn’t just be an overlay over a directory tree. Would love to see some kinda filesystem dedicated to graph representation, where each file is a node with multiple edges.
I’m always on the lookout for something like this. tmsu is pretty close, but have you found anything better? There’s a paupacy of software for Linux in this space, and I don’t understand why.