desolate Has the national news even touched this shit wtf

  • jesus christ. i had heard about the Dexter Wade story and that he had been buried in what i assumed was some mass grave / potter’s field type of situation, but i had no idea it was or even could get more fucked up than that.

    Reed describes the grim scene at the burial site, where buzzards flew overhead. The bodies were placed in shadowed graves without embalming, leading to a disturbing stench that attracted scavengers. He emphasizes the inhumanity of such treatment and calls for a more dignified handling of the deceased.

    like apparently this was not even the typical dystopian and depressing kind of pauper’s burial field, but rather the state’s half-assed dump site for inconvenient bodies appearing in-around the carceral apparatus. as shitty as this country and the internal colonies are, i really don’t see how somebody doesn’t end up locked up over this, as a scapegoat at the very least.