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Jokes aside tho, all Marxist-Leninists that CAN learn a combat sport/self defense, definitely should. If you have the opportunity to learn how to legally use a firearm, or own one, I suggest that highly as well. And firearms while less legal, can be used by disabled comrades that can’t pick up combat sports or self defense training
Plus, in the end, a firearm is more likely to be useful than physical self-defense
Of what use is the gun if you can’t run 200 meters without collapsing and wheezing?
Exercise, cardio, and personal self defense are still vital.
Being in physical shape is important but one must be able to effectively combat the tools the enemy would use, and that is predominantly firearms
I agree, but I would argue that overall fitness and survival skills are far more valuable then firearm experience. Guns by their very nature are very easy to pick up and begin to use. Even a very green user can become relatively proficient in less then a month.
Overall fitness and survival skills take much much longer to develop and learn, and are much easier to practice as opposed to firearms.
That’s a fair analysis of it. I think its best if someone is adept in both.
Of course, of course. I think it’s more of a question as to where to start and with what. However knowing both is a very good boon.
Statistically speaking, firearms tend to make you and those around you less safe. If you do get one, just make sure it’s safely locked away.
I understand the statistics, but I’m skeptical of the idea that guns inherently make you and those around you less safe. I think discipline, peaceful conflict resolution skills and a healthy dose of reason mitigate the effects/risks of gun misuse.
It depends on who has it. I would feel safe having one, I’m in a state where I can legally own one and I feel safe enough to use it. My brother suffers from Depression and he has said before that he wouldn’t trust himself being in a house with a firearm, so I don’t own one currently, but when I move out I most likely will get one.
And when it comes to self-defense, anything is better than nothing. But if you have options, study something practical.
By no means a full list but BJJ, Krav Maga, Muy Thai Filipino Kali, and Fencing all have very practical applications. Anything that has a focus on ending encounters quickly, whether by escaping or disabling an attacker, or protecting yourself from weapons is going to more useful than something that looks cool but prioritizes form and tradition over training for real life scenarios.
To bring it back to the main post, how do you view Boxing? Obviously the lack of kicking is a negative but you can work in kickboxing I suppose
Boxing’s dope. It serves as the basis for a lot of the MA I mentioned. I think because of that you can learn to throw a good punch combo from pretty much any hand to hand art.
I think the biggest thing formal boxing training has going for it is the agility and footwork. Learning how to avoid strikes, get faster and take advantage of openings is pretty useful in a fight scenario.
I completely agree, at my gym I usually train boxing at the end of every session. I try to hit the bag hard enough so I can dodge it on its way back to me. My absolute favorite part of boxing is shadow-speedbag. Basically just act like you have a speedbag in front of you. You’d be amazed at what you can train and accomplish with no equipment.
I was wondering why everything was labelled, And then I saw the artist. I kinda miss the BenGarrisonCum edits
You ain’t the only one😞
Glad to see that Comrade Ben Garrison has joined the cause.
What is the mental gymnastics that right wing liberals use to turn this into conservatist bullshit?
The original drawing had trump in it
Aaah, makes sense
Memes of production