I’m trying to figure out the deeper meaning behind this but is there even any meaning?
I’m trying to figure out the deeper meaning behind this but is there even any meaning?
Both parties, in an attempt to win back AFD voters, are doing more and more of their anti immigrant politics. If you watch any political debates on TV, most of what they talk about is just who wants to deport the most immigrants and who reduced immigration the most.
So I’m not the only one who got that. What’s the point if it tho?
The gore thing has been like that for quite a while tho, at least for half a year to a year.
SPD and Grüne are helping the rise of fascism too even if it’s not on purpose. Die Linke are the only ones in parliament actually working against it.
Only sometimes as a joke. It’s mostly used in online memes. Even though, saying things often enough ironically makes you start to use it unironically. From my experience, that’s happening with rizz. I’m from Germany and even we’re starting to use rizz. It’s kind of right between being used jokingly and just being used like a normal word. I also saw people in this thread saying that little kids are saying it all the time but I think that’s normal. When me and my friends were in the early years of high school (I think that’s the equivalent to weiterführende Schule, it’s from years 5-10) we used to repeat memes like that all the time too.
Not really, they were programmed specifically to do this
That’s really handy! I always had to use the acceleration before, so I slowly moved the cursor in the opposite direction and then quickly in the direction I wanted it to go for it to go further
Germany has relied on the USA since the BRD was founded. The left party (Die Linke) was and still is the only party in parliament that’s against it.
The CDU isn’t center-right. Friedrich Merz is just as much of a fscist as the AfD.
DM me your email and I’ll send you one
Wow, just like the internet
It really depends on the context. I agree that calling everyone a Nazi is watering down the meaning but a lot of right wingers also say that when you call actual Nazis Nazis.
2% more door space than the competiton!
That amount of oxy alone is a LOT, good thing you were able to stop. Must’ve been hard.
I’m currently trying to quit that too. It’s harder than I expected. I’m not severly addicted or anything but I’ve recently learned a lot about why porn is bad and why we should stop consuming it. The two aspects to it are basically the exploitation of the industry and the effects that watching it has on the viewer. If anyone’s interested, I can also go into more detail on that. For the first reason it would be enough to watch porn that’s not made using real people, like hentai but the second reason is why we should stop it entirely. It’s just that I grew up with phones and the internet, so I’ve jacked off to porn since I was 11 and it’s kinda hard to jack off without it because that’s where my mind goes automatically. I should be able to just do it without having to watch anything but I end up just not doing it at all. I don’t know if there’s any advice or something that could help me there.
$240/day?! How much were you taking?
Why tho? I’m a software developer but I don’t do much with build systems. With the same source code, shouldn’t the resulting binary always be the same too?
They were doing this all by themselves?!
I use ZSH with plugins but back when I switched away from bash, I also looked at fish. I didn’t use it back then because people say it doesn’t follow the POSIX standard but is that really an issue? It probably only extends it instead of taking things away, right?