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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2022


  • I prefer an exploratory conversation to any “argument”. And if they are receptive to exploring an idea I will continue. If they are arrogant and not interested in dialogue then I will let them know they are being unconstructive and will leave it at that.

    Sometimes I get heated although I am learning to be more dispassionate when talking to liberals You have to save energy. Sometimes you will run into a point with certain people where they are so convinced already of their stance that it’s pointless ex they say Ukraine doesn’t have a Nazi problem and Russia is evil.

    At that point you’re not going anywhere.

  • It’s like taking a trip through time. There’s a creative component to it because you get to create the picture of the setting in your mind. For example, if you’re reading about Egypt you get to picture the sands, pyramids, and The Nile.

    When we read about capitalism, well, we already know the settings because it’s around us. So theres a bit of escapism in ancient history which is nice.

    And being a Marxist removes the mysticism of the aristocracy and nobility of these societies. This, perhaps unexpectedly, helps me enjoy historical dramas/movies even more. You’re going to be even more conscious of the decadence these people lived in in contrast to the people they exploit. You’ll see the class conflict of these times, too, even though that is usually not, if ever, the focus of these movies.

  • I think right now just Magnus Midtbo. He got me into climbing. Other ones I enjoy when I watch them are jujimufu and Larry wheels. They’re not too broey and just preach being healthy and enjoying the workout.

    I wouldn’t bother with influencers for real like, direction that will lead to long term progression.

    The best source I can point to you for athleticism (in the lower body especially) is Ben Patrick the Knees over toes guy. I was hitting my wrist on the basketball rim using his principles and lifts. Haven’t been doing any jumping for a year because it’s not my passion but it works for sure. Maybe I’ll get back into it. He’s not an influencer but a pro athletic coach.

  • It was always going to end with those losers setting up shop. But hey it’s great to see that MLs are making great strides in geopolitics for humanity, and all the bootlickers from reddit can do is troll on lemmy.

    They genuinely think flooding lemmy is going to help stop the multipolar world. Think about that for a second - how stupid you have to be and how desperate you have to be to resort to that. So framed in this way, we know that they will go the way of history and that progress marches on, ignoring their tears.

  • I mean it is the greatest humanitarian achievement in history but surely ending the Southern slave economy, even if for economic reasons as a conflict of ruling classes, was also right up there as being “progressive” as well.

    The main difference between Americas 1900s progress and China’s modern progress however is that China’s aren’t concessions from a bourgeoisie ruling class and thus will not be taken away, but built upon further.

    But Danny already knows that sort of stuff so I get where he’s coming from. But maybe the wordage is not quite right.