New to Lemmy. A privacy advocate. Interested in number theory.

  • 45 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Generally, votes are overrated. Especially if you’re not mainstream, by definition most people won’t support you, won’t agree with you, won’t understand you.

    Some things may be downvoted because they’re too stupid. But occasionally, you might be downvoted simply because you’re a bit too early. Like, if you’d said “being gay is not crime” or something 50 years ago, you might have got downvoted… Just a thought.

  • Saki@monero.towntoMonero@monero.townMonero Gift Printable
    6 months ago

    The concept may be lovely, but the fact is, many people nowadays have been Pavlov’ed to immediately ignore anything weird that says, “Congratulations! You got some money. Visit this URL and input something.” As they say, the Cake is a lie…

    Monero could be a wonderful gift to a friend of yours if they’re especially interested in privacy (in that case, you might want to talk to them privately, and perhaps recommend a better wallet). Otherwise, it may be kind of like casting pearls before swine…

  • Hey this is not a popularity contest! People are not reading it because they like OP. They’re simply interested in some general info, not someone’s personal opinions. Besides, the small-numbered “score” (called upvote?) like 5 or 10 or 15 is not significant. We’re simply sharing links for general awareness!

    Here in Monero town you might be misunderstanding that yours was ignored (which is NOT true!) because I happened to post a similar link… But your cross post to the same link at ! got a low score too, certainly not my fault.

    Many people read whatever if interested, but not necessarily upvote, so don’t worry about score :)

    Work done with anxiety about results is far inferior to work done without such anxiety, in the calm of self-surrender. You have the right to work, but for work’s sake only.

  • It’s true that the EU is getting “difficult”. Ironically, the US (without GDPR) can be better, where the right to anonymous speech is more or less protected (although, of course, US hosting companies in general are not good for that).

    IncogNet is a good example, where you can get a domain anonymously, just like from Njalla but the price being much affordable. Not only that, they’ll set up an onion/I2P version for your website for free. (This is not a recommendation, though. DYOR.)

    Floki was once famous but, yeah… they’re getting a bit less popular now after the Covid things. It’s not Iceland and Seychelles based; basically it’s a German company, having servers in Iceland, Finland, Romania, and the Netherlands. Iceland was once very popular, but anymore. Using a .is domain now assuming it’s “safer” is a bit yesterday.

    Especially, be aware of France: they’re like “you use encryption because you have something to hide, doing something bad.” Also, you might want to avoid EU domains (.fr etc.) in general: check about NIS2, so called “Thick Whois“ to see what this means. For example, you can’t get a .nl anonymous domain anymore (a recent change); a similar trend being expected soon in other EU registrars/resellers i.e. “domain KYC”.

    PS: Incognet is based on Fran’s (Frantech/BuyVM) in Canada, which has been generally trusted and has some good track record. One might want to consider BuyVM etc. too (Not a recommendation, DYOR).

    PPS: Incognet accepts xmr, but you can’t do crypto-related things like mining on their servers. A negative point for some of us.

  • Thanks for clarification!

    1. For example, a user in China can buy a card from you, redeem (activate) it and use it internationally, except they can’t use it in shopping at an online shop China?
    2. A user in Pakistan can not activate it and use it at all, though others can use it for shopping internationally incl. at at online shop in Pakistan.

    It that what this means? I assume activation then includes GeoIP? I’m very happy that a few user reviews are positive anyway. You know, some “services/companies” advertising here tend to be a bit sketchy or iffy. Your prepaid card business seems a honest one, at least now! Thanks for joining :) I hope this can be convenient & fruitful for both users and you 🐱