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Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • I’ve worked in this space. This is interesting because the legacy chips are similar to generic drugs under capitalism: nobody wants to produce them because they have near-zero profits. “Unfortunately,” many legacy chips are still essential building blocks to make higher-end ones work in any electronic system. It’s basically trivial for China to corner the market here. It would be a hilarious page in history if NATO couldn’t build weaponry using SOTA chips because they ran out of 555 timers that NATO countries refused to produce due to lackluster profits.

  • My life is on paper really great. I’m doing well in most domains of my life. I am employed at a notoriously anti-union firm though, and my social circles are running extremely bourgeois recently. Maybe I’m just a champagne socialist. It’s weird knowing people who embody a banal evil through their capitalist ambitions. I am very much in the belly of the capitalist beast. I have become more radical over time realizing that the open fields of a career ahead of me have walls much closer in than I thought. I can’t do what I want. I can only do what pleases investors, or face a life of precarity, poverty, destitution, etc. So I guess irl my thoughts are converging on living well and “playing the game” while privately advocating for socialism and communism.

  • There are a lot of thoughts here. Doomerism is obviously not productive. If it helps, antarctic sea ice is not what we should worry about - the southern hemisphere is relatively more stable due to less land and antarctica itself. The blue ocean event (no north pole sea ice) is the one you should worry about, probably late 2020s. Because once ice finishes melting the energy goes into increasing temperature instead of state change from ice to liquid. The good (dubious) news is, the global capitalist economy is much more fragile than it might seem. In my opinion, industrial civilization would collapse before we would surpass 4 C warming, which still leaves most of the planet as “habitable”. I believe economic growth will turn negative much past 2 C warming, thereby limiting subsequent warming. Because we’re warming the planet so fast, the system destabilizes at much lower temperatures than we have on the fossil record. At the risk of being sanguine (ok yeah this whole post is sanguine), it’s kind of nice that the heat accumulating at the ocean surface will not have time to interact much with deep, cool ocean water. So we’ll wind up feeling much more heat in the short-term than we’d feel in the long-term, which could spur humanity to actually do something. Overall, communists should feel optimism in the face of economies running up against planetary boundaries. Humanity’s survival depends on global cooperation. Replacing capitalism with socialism would be a (the only?) feasible way to achieve this. We’re already seeing beastly temperatures and extreme weather worldwide. I would bet that the children being born today will see these horrific weather events and start movements that will make Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil look like tea parties. If we don’t blow ourselves up in the next 30 years then, I’m fairly optimistic. But perhaps I underestimate the ability of capitalism to assimilate young minds

  • did you guys watch the movie? maybe I’m naive, but I don’t buy it; it feels like manufactured outrage. the “map” in question had the entire north american continent labeled as United States 💀 . Basically every landmass was hopelessly deformed because it was conveying how little barbieland actually knew about the real world. In the scene, they talk about the “Country of California” and “State of Los Angeles” or something like that…because barbie was trying to get to LA. Asia doesn’t even look like Asia! Please let me know if this just went over my head. I think people are reading too much into this nonsense. Vietnam probably banned it because it was shameless western corporate propaganda or something like that.

  • After taking LSD a few times, I gotta say it’s pretty fun. I enjoy experiencing the world through the eyes of a kid again. It’s also enlightening to see your life in third-person, as if you saw your life from a friend’s perspective. It definitely makes interacting with people interesting because you’re so attuned to the minutest signals: you can read people like a book.

    Relevant to this forum, I had an interesting revelation while tripping that we exist at a non-exceptional time in history. The feeling that we are existing during what will be just one more page in the book was palpable. I think that gives me a lot of hope, even though things seem so dire at the moment.

  • I personally like what they’re doing. But overall I think their activism falls on deaf ears. I think a lot of movements like theirs makes the mistake of assuming that civili disobedience implies people will rally around your cause, just like MLK and civil rights. The public reaction seems to be quite the opposite. It’s unclear to me if the behavior of our species is sufficient to evade the worst of climate change tbh. It’s a movement much harder to get action on than basically any other topic

  • I can’t fully express it but I think there’s an interesting tie-in here seeing the opaquely tinted escalade SUVs with private drivers ferrying around the ultra-rich in NYC on Park Avenue and the like. I know people in NYC who work at banks and deliberately avoid the subway to distance themselves from the proletariat. It’s nuts considering how much better transit is than private vehicles in much of the city too. I guess the point I’m making is I can personally confirm the existence of elites who very nakedly boast of their disdain of non-private transit because they want to flex how bourgeois they are.

  • The animal liberation perspective is quite thorny as this post has outlined.

    I think it’s interesting to consider that human diet has consistently been a result of material conditions. Being able to digest a wide variety of animal and plant foods is part of what enabled human fluorishing in such a wide variety of ecological niches. Many animal products and husbandry were purely practical ways to expand the food supply and do less work. Especially because many countries subsidize animal products it’s important not to criticize people whose primary nutrition is milk and eggs because of affordability.

    All of that being said, beyond the animal liberation and environmental aspects of strict vegetarianism, it would also just be healthier for most people (at least in the west) to eat fewer animal products.