Do not have really the problems you mentioned,but sadly it’s more a problem of community than service …
To combat censorship, first go out a anti-censorship platform and then try to solve the problem
Telegram is not a social for counter the censorship and be private, it’s not good at all to use Telegram for this kind of messaging + with the arrest of Durov, it will even more difficult to counter govs when using Telegram
The solution is to not use Telegram, and fuck the govs
Proprietary things are just a shit, that’s it. Non-free (sense of no money) is shit too. Accept donations but do not obligate them
DDG and qwant are basically bing
In fact matrix is great
I’m completely okay with that but you can find cheaper alternatives if you just want to do torrenting stuff, do not need this extra level of privacy
It can run as long as your on the same network as the other instance and for the chat export in readable format, I actually don’t know, sorry
For sure NordVPN too, but in the ONLY case of torrenting it’s a good idea to have the cheapest thing to hide his ip
Nobodies care but okay…
(Not talking about your post, but the money of Huang)
Proton is great but you don’t really need privacy when torrenting
This seems to be great as it should works
Right, and completely agreed with that, but I think that SimpleX is just better in most cases (not on battery life for now), as it could be also self hosted
If you are just torrenting and using it for downloading some stuff and nothing more, use the cheapest as NordVPN or Cyber ghost these are good for this, BUT NOT FROM A PRIVACY POINT OF VIEW
You can download a lot of music, very safely without anything. But maybe it could depend of your country. But if it’s a “okay” piracy country you shouldn’t any issues, even when sharing I’ve seen a lot of residential IPs
Could be good
Thank you