I’m enjoying it significantly. The pacing is a lot tighter than the '89 original, and while that ends up leaving out details that I think make some of the characters more interesting (mainly thinking about Nabiki’s various money schemes here), I think it’s probably for the best for a modern comedy. It’s also a closer adaptation of the manga overall, which is good I think.

I also really like how both the dubbed voice actors, and translation choices add a lot more pathos to Ranma, Ryoga, and Akane in particular. It’s difficult to put a finger on, but for me it really feels like the staff are overall better at grappling with the shittier aspects of Ranma & Akane’s situations (namely their arranged marriage, and a lot of the villains misgendering/harassing Ranma when he’s in “girl mode”) without being lurid about it.

Anyways, what is HB’s opinion on the matter?

  • ColeSloth
    3 months ago

    I liked how “dumb” the original was. The remake doesn’t seem as entertaining.