I also get the im pression that the memes with German com pound words take off be cause English split all their com pounded words with spaces, so you get stuff like “chain saw” in stead of “motorsag” and so on.
We Norwegians who in stead make fun of people who write com pounded words with spaces (orddelingsfeil, wortteilenfehl oder so) don’t really get their fascin ation.
I also get the im pression that the memes with German com pound words take off be cause English split all their com pounded words with spaces, so you get stuff like “chain saw” in stead of “motorsag” and so on.
We Norwegians who in stead make fun of people who write com pounded words with spaces (orddelingsfeil, wortteilenfehl oder so) don’t really get their fascin ation.
english is also a big fan of the hyphenated words, which is like when christians decided that puffins are fish so they can eat birds during lent.