Given the rise of the boycott USA movement, the 800 billion € for military that may not be spent but not on US arms and the dominating presence of US tech in the EU, how can citizens voice their concern? and are on the fediverse, but the just seem like mouth piece without ears.
What can citizens do? Has the ship sailed already?
You can write your MEP to not cut funding to their NGI (Next Generation Internet) Initiative which already has funded many Open-Source Projects from Wireguard to Pixelfed, or also currently an European Search Index
How do I know who my MEP is? The dude/dudette who got the most votes in the municipality I’m registered in?
Last I checked (homepage) there’s no mention of NGI at all.
I guess it suffices to write your national party or even their European fraction, as voting happens over lists anyway.
And don’t forget your national government, they can exert pressure over the European Commission too
This may help:
Thanks. I’m curious why and aren’t contributing to this and starting their own venture instead. is your search index the basis for a european search engine? And if so, how does one do so and why aren’t Qwant and/or Ecosia not doing so?
I guess because they want to make money of it, and don’t publish their source code or algorithm?