I’m genuinely not a tankie. I’d actually consider myself anarchist, but I’m also interested in actually learning about things. Roland Boer has actual experience in China as well as in a Chinese school for Marxism, so who am I to immediately disregard his opinion because the whole idea is unpopular here?
Right now your response is very shallow and ignorant, and thus easily manipulated by people with big wallets. I mean it truly is a kneejerk reaction from you. Those are the most easily exploited.
lmfao the Tankie says my argument isn’t in good faith, that I’m not being fair and I should consider Human Rights violations and Dictatorships are tolerable evils.
I never said any of that. That’s a huge emotional reaction to a very minor argument from me. Maybe you should take a deep breath and think about things first.
By promoting Chinese economic policy, as you absolutely have, you’re intentionally promoting their government which have always been and are currently committing massive harm. You are asking all of us to consider that those harms, those crimes against humanity, are worthwhile.
You yourself are not tolerant of others, the dictatorship you have voiced your support of have proven time and time again that they would kill off all others and force their ideology on all remaining. If I ran this community you would be instantly banned here because we do not tolerate the intolerant.
I’m not promoting or supporting anything. All I’ve said is that while China has done a lot of evil things, they have also increased the standard of living for their own people massively. They’re doing good things to keep life liveable. I’m not being intolerant of detractors, I myself was a detractor of China as a whole until last night. I will research myself to find my opinions about China instead of being force fed one by western liberal media. This is called learning.
I’m genuinely not a tankie. I’d actually consider myself anarchist, but I’m also interested in actually learning about things. Roland Boer has actual experience in China as well as in a Chinese school for Marxism, so who am I to immediately disregard his opinion because the whole idea is unpopular here?
Right now your response is very shallow and ignorant, and thus easily manipulated by people with big wallets. I mean it truly is a kneejerk reaction from you. Those are the most easily exploited.
If you don’t think you’re a Tankie after explaining your beliefs to me, then you didn’t know what a Tankie was until I told you.
My belief right now is merely that China is much more complex than I previously thought. I don’t think you’re necessarily arguing in good faith here.
lmfao the Tankie says my argument isn’t in good faith, that I’m not being fair and I should consider Human Rights violations and Dictatorships are tolerable evils.
Thanks for that input.
I never said any of that. That’s a huge emotional reaction to a very minor argument from me. Maybe you should take a deep breath and think about things first.
By promoting Chinese economic policy, as you absolutely have, you’re intentionally promoting their government which have always been and are currently committing massive harm. You are asking all of us to consider that those harms, those crimes against humanity, are worthwhile.
You yourself are not tolerant of others, the dictatorship you have voiced your support of have proven time and time again that they would kill off all others and force their ideology on all remaining. If I ran this community you would be instantly banned here because we do not tolerate the intolerant.
This is not a minor argument.
I’m not promoting or supporting anything. All I’ve said is that while China has done a lot of evil things, they have also increased the standard of living for their own people massively. They’re doing good things to keep life liveable. I’m not being intolerant of detractors, I myself was a detractor of China as a whole until last night. I will research myself to find my opinions about China instead of being force fed one by western liberal media. This is called learning.