On lemmy.world I posted a comment on how liberals use ‘tankie’ as an invective to shut down dialogue and received tons of hateful replies. I tried to respond in a rational way to each. Someone’s said ‘get educated’ I responded ‘Im reading Norman Finkelstein’s I’ll burn that bridge when I get there’ and tried to keep it civil.

They deleted every comment I made and banned me. Proving my point, they just want to shut down dialogue. Freedom of speech doesn’t existing in those ‘totalitarian’ countries right? But in our ‘enlightened’ western countries we just delete you.

      • SomeLemmyUser
        1 year ago

        Hm interesting, seems to dedependent on your locality. Where I live, there are lots of communists, anarchists materialists and general left at university’s, factories and unions, but there is also a (very small) group of communists, who loves stalin,think everything that Russia does is automatically good (mostly while denieng they are a imperialist state) and everyone who doesn’t treat Lenin’s and Stalin’s books like sacred texts which need to be followed down to the letter (instead of valuable contributions to a scientific debate) is wrong by definition and need to be shut down. All new Marxist philosophy’s (material feminism, postkolonial study’s, frankfurter schule, etc. Pp.) get denied the right to exist, people who write or work in other communist schools of thinking then them are called a counter revolutionary and spat on and threatens to get killed in the revolution. Furthermore they make it very clear, that everyone who hasn’t exactly the same opinion as them is not welcomed in their communist utopia and would get put in to gulags (yes they use that word with pride) or directly killed by them/the state

        Those people are get called tankies by the much bigger rest of th e communist/Marxist scene

        So when people over here self describe as tankies and wear that label with pride (happend under this post)I was quite puzzled.

        At least here its not a general slur against communists (like queer were for homosexuals) which can be turned around easily, it is a very specific description of a very specific group of people in the communists scene

        So the people who call others tankies are almost never liberals (they don’t even know that word, they just say communists and think this is enough of insult), it’s mostly other Marxists/communists or more or less close ideology’s like anarchists or socialists

        • m532@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          They don’t like you because you carry water for the colonialist usa. The people outside the west must be liberated and idealists like you want to stop their liberators because they are not clean enough or something. “Oh no they used violence once”

          Oh and most of the nonwestern progressives fit your definition of t*****. Oh it’s a slur that targets mostly non-caucasians again.

          • SomeLemmyUser
            1 year ago

            Oh you again, your the best of them all.

            Soo let me recap:

            You criticise anything about russia (like saying not everything they do is automatically good) --> you carry water for the USA

            The man says the people outside the west need to be liberated.

            I would agree, I would even say the people inside the west needs to be liberated. The world needs to be liberated.

            But he thinks, the people in Russia or China are already liberated or even are the liberators.

            Did it ever occur to you, that those countries are just imoerialisric states with a bad communist mask?

            Or is your liberty one where you get put in jail or worse if you are gay, where the working class still works for rich old man and gets almost nothing, where ideological power is maintained through prisons and shootings?

            • m532@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              In the west, you lose your job, then go homeless and then get put in jail when you do not conform to the cishet ableist neurotypical society.

              The people in russia have been re-enslaved by the west.

              The people in the west are mostly complicit in the usa’s imperialism, they don’t need to be “liberated” from their slavery loot.

              Edit: and you are a nazi enabler.

              • SomeLemmyUser
                1 year ago

                Whataboutism Yes west bad, but that doesn’t mean Russia good ;)

                You deny everyone who lives in the west that they are oppressed by capitalists? Everyone in west is capitalist? No working class?

                Also from personal experience: your description of what happens with people who are not cishet neurotypical is wrong. Sure, not perfect here, lots of structural racism, sexism, ableism, claissism etc. But at least not writen in law but forbidden by it (even when that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist), also still got job, are not homeless and not in jail.

                I could not exposed yourself like you did even if I would have put hours in it.

                Someone: tankie comes from tanks You: Nazi enabler
