If lemmy had user-defined filters, I’d use them. Right now I’m downvoting the stuff, but there’s already a community for musk-related stuff: !EnoughMuskSpam@kbin.social

  • @DogMuffins
    87 months ago

    The nuanced soft ban you’re talking about is just the topic of the community.

    When musk does something tech related that’s tech. When he does something that’s not tech related that’s off topic.

    Twitter is a social media website it’s not tech.

      • @DogMuffins
        147 months ago

        Honestly I think it’s weird that people think social media is tech.

          • @CmdrShepard@lemmy.one
            7 months ago

            The product itself (the code) may be considered tech but the company’s/employee’s/executive’s business/personal/anything outside of the product dealings shouldn’t be. If running a website makes any information related to you tech related then literally every company is a tech company. Meta’s stock price dropping because Zuckerbot farted in a kindergarten classroom isn’t anything tech related. Subscription fees being added or increased isn’t tech related.

            How would you define tech with regards to social media and how does that definition not include any other company running a website that you can interact with?

                  • @CmdrShepard@lemmy.one
                    7 months ago

                    I said the code is the tech and then gave examples of what isn’t tech. What else do you want? The dictionary definition is

                    the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

                    which points even further away from social media being tech IMO.

              • MrScottyTay
                17 months ago

                News about a tech company is usually just business news and not news about tech though. Just like most Twitter news that gets posted on here.

                  • MrScottyTay
                    7 months ago

                    Anything about the daily runnings of a company, it’s personnel and other business decisions is not news about tech, no matter what the company is. Tech news should be about the technology. New breakthroughs, new coding language releases, new hardware etc.

                    Edit: and to be a tech company is a company that creates tech, not always just one that uses it. I could be on the side of social media companies being tech companies, but that doesn’t mean all news about said companies are tech news, because they are not.

              • @DogMuffins
                17 months ago

                There are no “tech companies”, there a companies that deal with new and interesting technologies more than others, but that doesn’t mean that anything that company does is “tech news”.

                Obviously the answer to “what is technology and what belongs in /c/technology” is subjective, everyone will have their own definition. But if your definition includes anything that social media companies do then you may as well just include any company with a website in your definition of technology.

                If meta rolls out threads, that’s tech news because it’s a company experimenting with a new technology. If xitter wants to change it’s subscription pricing that’s not tech news, because it has very little to do with technology.