Excluding, say, here or the fediverse more broadly.
There have been some nice corners of the internet that have somehow kept going along their way that I’ve enjoyed lurking around like some alien observer. They are the few spaces I dare not pop in and ask, out of fear it would somehow break things.
Tell me more?
I see it allows you to create your own site. How is the hosting done? As in who pays?
How do you find other cool sites etc. I like the idea just not sure on all the deets.
Hosting is free for users, that much I know (had to chuck something on there for a thing in uni several years ago)
Thanks. I’ll definitely be looking into this more.
I’m guessing it’s a spin-off of the original GeoCities back in early 2000s which was also mainly for free site hosting.
This seems like where you can browse/search: https://neocities.org/browse
Neocities came up in another question I asked, and so I looked into it. They have a couple ways they handle funding, via donations or becoming a supporter and subscribing for a little each month.
You may have already looked this up by now, but for anyone else that comes across this and was wondering too, there ya go!
Its a free site builder, if you search there is an option to browse and a lot of sites have links to other sites and you can kind of get lost. I’m actually working on my own neocities right now.
^Thats the first neocities site I found and that introduced me to the idea.