You should always start your argument with an ad hominem and, if it doesn’t work, slowly work your way towards insulting your interlocutor, the highest form of rethoric
No no, that’s name calling already, you jumped straight to the top. You need to cloak your disdain in a civil tone, because remember the next step is going to tone policing. So something like, “I don’t think you have a lot of experience arguing on the internet seeing as you come from a much smaller instance.” is much better bait.
I thought it was a joke about starting an argument with an ad hominem.
:smuglord: actually, I think you’ll find that I did attack him personally instead of his underlying points, which according to rationalwiki, counts.
It was/is but your bit was better. Admitting being wrong isn’t a step though. That’s also why I deleted it until you responded because I realized I’m not funny 😢
You should always start your argument with an ad hominem and, if it doesn’t work, slowly work your way towards insulting your interlocutor, the highest form of rethoric
i’M mR EtHaLis fRoM SoME rAnDOm JeRk Off wEbSitE YoU’vE NevEr HeArD oF aNd i’M sO sMaRT i kNoW hOW tO DebAte PEopLe On tHe iNteRnEt.
No no, that’s name calling already, you jumped straight to the top. You need to cloak your disdain in a civil tone, because remember the next step is going to tone policing. So something like, “I don’t think you have a lot of experience arguing on the internet seeing as you come from a much smaller instance.” is much better bait.
That’s literally not what I’m doing but whatever.
I thought it was a joke about starting an argument with an ad hominem.
:smuglord: actually, I think you’ll find that I did attack him personally instead of his underlying points, which according to rationalwiki, counts.
It was/is but your bit was better. Admitting being wrong isn’t a step though. That’s also why I deleted it until you responded because I realized I’m not funny 😢
Your nickname betrays that lie
The issue with ironic shitposting in a nutshell. I’m going to tap out though before we are under so many layers of irony the whole thing caves in