I have decided today is the day to buy a lottery ticket (an event that only happens once every few years). If I win 100 million in Poweball tonight I will buy all DT pets a treat. Plus some extra termites for Nellie.
I have a pet… alligator. It needs a laptop
Pretty sure you could trade me for a large packet of temptations cat treats to my cat and she’d be cool with it lol
Just not the green ones.
Mittens would like some “kitty crunch” treats please.
The FishieOne could go some glided claws if you want pure waste…
My phone stopped recording data from my watch. So I played around with the both of them and now it’s working. I did technology and I’m very proud of myself because I didn’t get angry or throw anything.
I need to give mine a few minutes to find each other and catch-up once I open the app on the phone.
This is the usual for me too but somehow they unpaired.
After years on pre-paid, I got a new phone on a plan yesterday. The initial setup went smoothly, settings and security all good , but I’ve spent the whole morning (and most of last night actually) having to re-login and setup most of my apps again. Thank dog for password managers, I would have been stuffed if I had to try and remember them all or rely on various scribbled post-it notes. What watch do you have?
Garmin venu. They had stopped syncing which is weird because I certainly didn’t touch anything.
My 245 music has done that a few times. Currently it’s forgotten that a button press on my headphones is supposed to pause the track…
COVID finally got me. Here ends a good run.
First time? I thought I was immune too…
yup, first time. was starting to feel like the last woman standing.
I went through 4 bouts of it in the house, with all three other members going down each time, without picking it up. No isolation, as just not doable within our family. At one point, I actually thought I might be studied for a cure sort of like in that Brad Pitt zombie movie…Next time though, hit me like a freight train.
@melbourne_wanderer @Seagoon_ That’s awful 😞
Hope you have a full and speedy recovery.
thanks - my first time, hoping it’s not too bad!
Plenty of water, and rest. Don’t be afraid to get the over-the-counter codral/codeine if you need to.
It sucks, I’m sorry you caught it.
thanks - partner has gone for pharmacy supplies, I am set up in the spare room ready for any eventuality (lots of sickness, sleep and crappy streaming tv/movies, or not so much sickness and isolated productivity). time will tell!
I can touch my toes for the first time in my life. All the pilates is doing some good.
Crawled out of bed to make dinner, and heading straight back. Of all the days to get a migraine…
I told the interviewer an incident had occured at work blah blah but they didn’t care.
Ah well.
Hasn’t stopped Gibson hassling me for treats though
Gibson deserves all the treats! 😸
Missed the interview due to migraine. They weren’t happy. Fucking sucks as it’s a 9 out of 10 for pain.
Oh man, that really sucks - of all days!! Please don’t beat yourself up though, as hard as it feels to think right now that there’s always other jobs, you only have one body. You did the right thing to look after yourself, who knows it could’ve been a worse outcome if you tried doing the interview while in great pain. I hope these guys understand and give you a chance or that something else comes up.
Thanks heaps I really appreciate it 🙂 I try not to subscribe to magical thinking but who knows, maybe it was for the best.
It was 1hr 25mins travel each direction.
I mean if they’re reacting poorly to a genuine reason for cancelling, then maybe it’s for the best. Seems they’re showing you what it would be like to work there. Remember that you’re also interviewing them.
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Been so tired this week, went to bed at 9.30pm last night and I’m still so tired. I blame COVID from last week; not positive anymore but I must have a sleep debt or something.
Mickey woke me up by pouncing on my head and taking some of my hair with him. Love that asshole.
Sleep debt is so hard to fix… take care
Does anyone here have a recommendation a psychologist in the Monash Council area?
GP is happy to give me a referral but needs a name.
I need help with stress, anxiety & depression. Trying to avoid meds if possible. Need to get on top of this.
Thanks for anything & everything.
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Thank you!!
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We have little snow? peas growing !! Not sure how to tell when they are ready to eat. Still waiting for onion, garlic and spinach to sprout. Cauli, radish and carrot are all growing nicely.
It’s my therapeutic veggie garden.
Snow peas are ready to eat whole when you can juuuusssst see/feel the tiny little peas inside the pod. And can be eaten at any time after that until the pods dry up and go crispy, but you have to shell them at that end of the season. Jelly. Mine don’t grow over winter dammit.
Mine should grow over winter, but have so many critters eager to eat them that the plants often don’t get established. I planted some seeds a while ago, I need to go out and see if I have any that managed to sprout. I’m definitely a long way from actual pods even if they have survived.
@Seagoon_ I just stopped by the shops quickly, and while I was there, picked up a freshly-made cinnamon donut.
Nom Nom Nom.
cinnamon donuts are under rated 😋
Yes! Especially while they’re fresh and warm 😋
So so tired. Zzzzz.
Insert caffeine here
404 Caffeine Not Found :(
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nasty nightmare about nazis 😧
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I had a dream that I bought a house which was perfect, except for the fact that it was in USA and the front yard was decorated in red, white and blue with multiple American flags. I was worrying the neighbours would be upset when I removed them. Then for some reason I was in a cemetery across the road from the house, which was very busy with multiple funerals and some sort of market/day of the dead festival event happening.
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A sign of what, that’s the question. Hopefully not that I am about to inadvertenly move to USA.
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It could be that. If it comes true I will claim my place as a true prophet. And I just looked up when the Day of the Dead is and it’s only a few days before the presidential election, it definitely all fits!
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It was an improvement on my standard dream of random things stopping me from getting to work on time and also preventing me from calling in to let them know. They tend to feature lots of ludicrous scenarios. In one my taxi turned into a donkey for some reason, which was being held up by roadworks. In another the car I was in was unable to complete a river crossing, forcing me to swim and then get lost in a jungle. American flags and funerals is definitely a lot better.
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I went to eight primary/high schools and have lived at around 35 different places, the longest for eight years (where I was born).
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Thanks for sharing your story. I’ve got some similarities, but I think it’s really good you’ve got some stability at the moment.
It’s hard to give advice without sounding like a fuck knuckle, but if I can say this:
There are really good people out there. People that you might think of as family. It doesn’t always help ease the ache of what’s missing, but give it a chance.
Sorry if that comes across oddly. It’s just been my experience as someone who had no one from age 14 onwards.
@Baku woah that’s an interesting backstory thanks. I was thinking like “me=unstable parents, him=military parents” level of detail lol.
I was asking coz I’ve noticed that I (child of hippies, always movin’) have a lot in common with children of military folks (always posted elsewhere, always movin’), and wondered if you’d hit a parallel dynamic.
Anyone got a goat I can rent? These yard Triffids are getting out of hand.
Do you have any vegetarian neighbours? Cost of Living pressures might mean they’d be interested in taking the problem off your hands so to speak.
Hilarious mental image. No, lots of it is lemon grass and sorrel (don’t let this shit self seed people!!!) but also some beladonna and other very untasty things from the wind.
Sorrel is edible, and very nice to eat. Look up French sorrel soup - its an unfashionable and ugly gem of a soup. The tangy lemony taste is unique imo. Marvellous with crusty bread. Otherwise, just pretend it’s spinach and cook/eat accordingly but with lots of cream and/or melty cheese.
Yeah I know. It’s a common feature in my ‘weed’ pie. There’s only so much I can eat., and this is one that gets ignored if I it put out the free food box
I used to eat oxalis as a kid. For some reason I thought it was the sorrel mentioned in the Hobbit.
…ok it is a sorrel. I wonder how I knew that
If you find one let me know, the neighbour’s blackberry thicket is out of control again.
After today’s little win for me it got me curious to know what everyone’s strongest and weakest link in life is?
Weakest link - technology and its lingo
Strongest link - I can read and follow instructions well.
Weakest - I think I know everything
Strongest - I know everything…
I love the confidence there.
See that’s the trick… Unfortunately the theorem falls apart if tested.
I’m fond of the scream test
You must know Mr Seagoon 😹
Strongest : peopling. Also other species-ing. Mostly due to lots of practice. When I realised that tech was operated by people, a lot of things that were in the skills black hole suddenly became understandable and therefore doable. Weakest : I am the world’s WORST procrastinator. Particularly when it comes to my personal lifestyle. I really do have to prioritise life admin, and quite a lots of things are a lot further down the list compared to almost everyone else I know. Also not a film/movie/tv person - just the wrong format for me. When forced to watch a ‘show’, I have a strong temptation to heave half a brick through the screen. No matter what the show is. Haven’t actually done that yet, but give me time.
Team Procrastination reporting for duty…
Weakest link : getting sick (no one to help me really and feeling very alone and isolated)
Strongest link: will and determination (quitting the top 3 most addictive substances on earth by myself and making a somewhat normal life without giving up)
Weakest- ignorance of too many life skills and ignorance of too much life knowledge
Strongest - I learn well
Strongest: I am creative, format near irrelevant I can and do make pretty stuff. [this is as much about a neat line of code as it is well turned hem]
Weak: peopling, and pretending to be polite about it. Sometimes I just can’t.
I have managed to find myself one of the few jobs that allow you to deal with people and not be polite - in fact sometimes being abrupt and rude can be an advantage! Being able to cut people off and focus single mindedly on getting the information you need is an asset in emergency situations.
Congratulations! Drilling to essentials that fast is a real skill. If I understand what you do do properly, the burnout rate is pretty terrible.
Thank you 😻🚑
Strongest link - organisational skills & the ability to create systems
Weakest link - social skills, including all abilities that allow me to be in positions where my strengths can be usefully employed ☹️
Weakest points:
There’s many.
I’m atrocious at sports and physical activities. I’m not handy at all. There’s a lot of stuff, particularly in more advanced math and science, that I don’t know much about. I don’t watch much TV or many movies compared to most people, and end up with little to say when the topic comes up. I know nothing about cars.
Strongest points:
I’m modest enough not to mention them 😂
If someone is talking about stuff I just nod and then they go “oh you know about that” and I go “nah. No idea”. Usually makes them laugh.
If it’s a one-on-one conversation, I tend to ask questions about whatever it is.
Unfortunately, this sometimes leads to them thinking I’m actually far more interested in learning about their GX-Holden-whatever than I really am, and they decide to tell me all about it next time we meet as well… 🙂
Is this a mirror?
Weakest: Self-application (failure to capitalise on endless opportunities).
Strongest: All-rounder (not sure if I would say quick study, but I do learn fast on the job).
Weakest link: difficulty with verbal instructions, people.
Strongest link: independent, honest, loyal.Weakest: I have a huge penis that can make ambulating uncomfortable.
Strongest: I’m not allowed to sayI mean…
Strongest - street smarts and tech savvy
Weakest: suck at social engagements and chores
See I’m the opposite. I don’t particularly like social situations but they don’t bother me. With tech shit I can make things disappear and then I get asked what happened and I don’t fucking know.
Weakest- I like food
Strongest - brave