Personally I think all dog ownership should be banned. For evidence I point to the unbelievable quantity of dogs foisted on animal shelters who then live bad lives likely ending in euthanasia, and the sheer quantity of literal dog shit I see just going on simple walks around the city. “oh well I’m a responsible dog owner” idgaf I’ve been around for a bit, I’ve seen more than a few self-described “responsible” dog owners give their dogs up to a shelter because they couldn’t handle them. People are terrible at predicting where their lives will take them in even a year or two, let alone a whole decade which is how long these animals live.
this is mostly unrelated but it is possible to eliminate the dogshit all over the city problem. i dont know how it was done, but i’ve seen it happen. when i was a kid, the city i live in was full of dogshit. on the sidewalks. hiding in the grass. by the time i was a teen, i basically never walked on grass if i could help it and if i did, i wasnt even surprised if i stepped in dogshit.
i have no idea what changed. there was no public awareness campaign. there was no new law, no change in policing. poor public park maintainers didnt suddenly start having to pick up after us. yet somehow, there’s basically no dogshit on the ground anymore. not anywhere. people just pick it up. a real actual improvement in society that happened right before my eyes, roughly between 2000 and 2010, and i have absolutely no clue how it happened. nobody talks about it that i can see. i’m the only one who keeps bringing it up.
those came years later and there are precious few of them. nah, dog owners started carrying bags and picking it up. maybe people just shamed each other into it? but how does such a mysterious movement start? why didnt it start decades before? why not decades later?
Interesting, I daydream about making it to retirement and being a crotchety old person who harasses people in the neighborhood who don’t pick up their dog’s poop on my numerous daily walks. Perhaps someone like that appeared in your town
I have no opinion. I am here to watch until one side emerges bloody and victorious, and the losers are shamed and banned. And then I will know the correct opinion and I will champion it with the zeal of a new convert. So continues my hexbear education.
deleted by creator
If your dogs hates you to the point of opportunistic murder, it’s your own fault.
this is blatant support for HAMAS you know :D
Personally I think all dog ownership should be banned. For evidence I point to the unbelievable quantity of dogs foisted on animal shelters who then live bad lives likely ending in euthanasia, and the sheer quantity of literal dog shit I see just going on simple walks around the city. “oh well I’m a responsible dog owner” idgaf I’ve been around for a bit, I’ve seen more than a few self-described “responsible” dog owners give their dogs up to a shelter because they couldn’t handle them. People are terrible at predicting where their lives will take them in even a year or two, let alone a whole decade which is how long these animals live.
this is mostly unrelated but it is possible to eliminate the dogshit all over the city problem. i dont know how it was done, but i’ve seen it happen. when i was a kid, the city i live in was full of dogshit. on the sidewalks. hiding in the grass. by the time i was a teen, i basically never walked on grass if i could help it and if i did, i wasnt even surprised if i stepped in dogshit.
i have no idea what changed. there was no public awareness campaign. there was no new law, no change in policing. poor public park maintainers didnt suddenly start having to pick up after us. yet somehow, there’s basically no dogshit on the ground anymore. not anywhere. people just pick it up. a real actual improvement in society that happened right before my eyes, roughly between 2000 and 2010, and i have absolutely no clue how it happened. nobody talks about it that i can see. i’m the only one who keeps bringing it up.
all the poop was from one really prodigious dog that passed away in 2006
More of those bag stations maybe?
those came years later and there are precious few of them. nah, dog owners started carrying bags and picking it up. maybe people just shamed each other into it? but how does such a mysterious movement start? why didnt it start decades before? why not decades later?
Interesting, I daydream about making it to retirement and being a crotchety old person who harasses people in the neighborhood who don’t pick up their dog’s poop on my numerous daily walks. Perhaps someone like that appeared in your town
I have no opinion. I am here to watch until one side emerges bloody and victorious, and the losers are shamed and banned. And then I will know the correct opinion and I will champion it with the zeal of a new convert. So continues my hexbear education.
^Me, wallahi
It’s good actually when aggressive dog breads kill their owners, it strengthens the homo spaiens gene pool