Just kidding go fuck yourselves
(I actually love you all)
same tbh
think before you post
I refuse
Think before you post
B - Is it Beanis?
E - Is it bEanis?
A - Is it beAnis?
N - Is it beaNis?
I - Is it beanIs?
S - Is it beaniS?
T.H.I.N.K after you post with constant edits and maybe delete your account if it was really bad
I am going to post an apsirational image of a pig shitting on it’s own balls.
Print that then tape it over the image op posted
I don’t know how effective these kinds of campaigns are, but it’s a nice sentiment, and something I’d like to see more of online.
I actually very much approve of it too i just thought of my little internet friends when i saw it
If the answer to all these questions is no, then I know I’m about to post a banger
I love you all too
Ya jerks
You’re MY jerks though
B - Is it
A - Is it
S - Is it
E - Is it
D - Is it
P is it posting?
I is it inspiring?
G got poop?
P is it a pig?
O is it on?
O is it really on?
P is it poop?
B is it balls?
A is for Apple
L is it Roman 50?
L is it longitudinal?
S is it shitting on its balls?
I just try to remember, no investigation no right to speak
Sometimes I am a dumbass who doesn’t know anything about that thing and I should shut my fucking mouth
Mao saving me from embarrassment when I can’t
Doing a Death Note bit trying to justify it every time I go to post
I’m gonna post something that’s FUUUU-
I shid my doo doo ass
We don’t think, we ponder.
P - Is it Pigpoopballs?
O - Is it Owl related?
N - Is it Neat?
D - Is Kissinger still Dead?
E - Is it Erotic?
R - Is it Rabidly supportive of Hillary Clinton? Because it really is her turn this sime!