Google, which has an ambitious plan to address climate change with cleaner operations, came nowhere close to its goals last year, according to the company’s annual Environmental Report Tuesday.
the thing about this is that yes, CURRENTLY plastic recycling fucking sucks, but if we ACTUALLY BUILT SOME FUCKING RECYCLING FACILITIES that would change…
here in sweden we’re building a recycling facility in Motala that will be able to properly recycle a good chunk of our plastic packaging, it’s clearly doable, let’s fucking build them.
what kind of recycling plant, because it matters greatly as of efficiency
if you just want to remelt it, then sure, it works pretty well, but you have to have that plastic sorted by type and clean, and then you need to have a use case that would accept potentially unsanitary plastic
or you could just say fuck it all, and treat is as a kind of extremely heavy crude, but this is pretty inefficient, kg per kg
recycling plastic is not as shiny as advertised, just burn this shit for energy instead
I like it. Burn trash to power data centers running LLMs. Garage in, garbage out
it’s better used for municipal heating, you know, something actually useful
Instructions unclear, burned datacenter instead.
(To any 3 letter agencies reading this, I’m making a joke, I’m not pro burning down datacenters, that is Yuds thing).
the thing about this is that yes, CURRENTLY plastic recycling fucking sucks, but if we ACTUALLY BUILT SOME FUCKING RECYCLING FACILITIES that would change…
here in sweden we’re building a recycling facility in Motala that will be able to properly recycle a good chunk of our plastic packaging, it’s clearly doable, let’s fucking build them.
what kind of recycling plant, because it matters greatly as of efficiency
if you just want to remelt it, then sure, it works pretty well, but you have to have that plastic sorted by type and clean, and then you need to have a use case that would accept potentially unsanitary plastic
or you could just say fuck it all, and treat is as a kind of extremely heavy crude, but this is pretty inefficient, kg per kg
no, my point is specifically that we’re building a plant that can cleanly recycle into basically virgin-grade material and can sort on-site.