They seem to be the only leftist org in my area that actually does much of anything, but they’ve come under fire for weird vague allegations, so idk.

  • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    I’m very vocal on here about my membership and participation in PSL so take a look through my comment history to see lots of discussions on the subject.

    For me, PSL has been a fundamentally different sort of organizing experience than anything I’ve been involved in before. The first decade of my political activism on the left was mostly in anarchist-adjacent circles that spent their time primarily on interpersonal drama and essentially no outward facing work.

    PSL on the other hand is always about doing effective political work towards a strategic end. At all levels of the party - from a unit of five people to national leadership - we implement a Marxist process of investigation, outreach, action, reflection, and planning. Cadre are trained through a year long candidacy program to develop all of those above skills and a general literacy in Marxism-Leninism. The political line and analysis are consistently excellent. Our history of principled stances on anti-imperialism is the reason we’ve been able to do so much to empower the Palestine movement. When Al-Aqsa flood happened, we were rallying in the streets across the country immediately. We had two decades of Palestine activism to show our seriousness, and resolutely supported the Palestinian resistance when liberals and DSA (I repeat myself) were crying about Hamas.

    Right now, the party is doing a campaign to defend Venezuelan democracy and socialism. It’s a much less popular position, but we know through history that parties who tail the masses can never lead them. Instead, the party proactively sent journalists and organizers down to Venezuela to observe and report on the election, to show the way working class Venezuelans support the Bolivarian project in a way that doesn’t depend on imperialist media.

    I have never felt more like my political work was actually achieving something that I do in PSL.

    I can answer any questions and talk in plenty more detail.

      • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        The expectation is that you commit the time you have available to do so. We don’t want to burn people out, but we also don’t do on-paper members. In my branch, that looks like one or two meetings a week and an action or event every week or two. Some people have schedules that allow them to commit substantially more time, which is great but not a model for everyone to follow. The first year or so, you need to do biweekly candidacy classes that go through the party’s platform, political positions on different struggles, stance towards various AES, etc.

        Edit: I’ll also note that we’re super flexible and understanding. Comrades have stepped away for a few months at a time to deal with life circumstances and there is never any pushback from the org about doing so. They return when they’re ready with no issues or bullshit. When someone needs to dial back a bit, we encourage that - and we also help folks who haven’t found a way to engage consistently with party work to find their right balance as well. It’s another strength of the party, imo.

          • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
            2 months ago

            Totally understood. I have one child and a full-time job with a flexible schedule, and it’s a lot of work for me to fit it in. Certainly worth speaking to your local branch and being up front about if your time availability will work for them.

        • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
          2 months ago

          When did those trainings become policy? I worked for 9 months with my (major city) branch about 2 years ago, and my “mentorship” was just “oh yeah let’s grab a drink and chat,” followed by occasionally showing up to protests and food distribution. Eventually got ghosted.

        • TyMan210 [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 months ago

          I feel like I’m in a tough spot, where I’m close enough to a major city that I can potentially go to events, but far enough away that the time commitment involved means I need more advanced notice than there typically is between the announcement and the event itself. Especially since I have a kid and both my wife and I work, I can’t be gone all day without prior planning.

          I was trying to go through the process to join, and did a phone interview with a guy, after which he wanted to meet in person for the next step. He suggested I come to one of their events and we’d meet up there, but I never had one line up where I could make it. We were going to try and plan a meet up, but I needed to let my work schedule settle out first, and at this point my last three messages across the last several weeks haven’t been replied to.

          I’m not really sure where I was going with that lol, but I don’t really know what to do from here

    • Inui [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      Is there much support for starting a chapter somewhere that doesn’t have one?

      I’ve been cursed to live in conservative states for personal reasons where there’s essentially 0 presence, not even trots and maybe a small amount of DSA.

      I’m assuming it takes someone of some skill to start that kind of effort, so probably even a simple reading group is better, but I’m still curious if I might be able to lend support or get involved outside their specific hotbeds.

      Edit: honestly that training sounds dope too. I’d love to attend some sort of workers school if that kind of thing were still available.

      • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        I joined my branch when it was about two years old and have been in it for two years since. We are just now moving out of “pre-branch” - the period of intense direct support from national, including almost daily communication between our national contact and our local leadership. We’ll now be a bit more independent, but that’s because we were given so much guidance and support to build ourselves up.

        I don’t know what the very first steps of starting a fresh branch are like from firsthand experience, but my understanding is you first go through study as an individual member and then they help you build the branch from the ground up. The early phase is all about getting a small core of good organizers rather than building numbers.

        • Inui [comrade/them]
          2 months ago

          I’m assuming that study isn’t really available through the org unless you’re nearby and able to attend events and such. Which would make sense with limited resources. I’ll definitely be trying to re-locate somewhere closer to a branch when I can.

          • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
            2 months ago

            No, that’s definitely not the case. We have a well developed system for building at-large members with no nearby branch. New branches get established through this process all the time.

            • Inui [comrade/them]
              2 months ago

              Ah, that’s very good news! I made that assumption since you said they don’t really do on-paper members. I’d for sure be able to attend meetings, study groups, do digital tasks, etc if opportunities like that were available remotely. I’ll probably fill out the interest form later this week and just see what happens. Though I have unfortunately heard of people being ghosted for months through that process.

              • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
                2 months ago

                We had more growth than we were prepared to manage and it was especially bad at the height of 2020 and the months following Al-Aqsa Flood. My understanding is it’s much smoother atm, but yeah, it’s a thing that happens. If you don’t get a prompt response, consider other channels - the Instagram page for a branch in your state, even if it’s not close, could be helpful.

    • Dimmer06 [he/him,comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      I’ve wanted to join PSL for a while but I’m currently engaged in some unorthodox labor organizing work that I’m very committed to following through with (we’re operating along more or less the same lines as the Southern Workers Assembly if you’re familiar with that).

      Do you think I would be able to conduct this work relatively independently from the party? Would I be expected to try and direct it into a more orthodox line?

      • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        I can’t speak to how the party would handle a specific case. Your best move is to reach out and discuss upfront (as much as you feel comfortable) what you’re working on and how you think it might fit or not with Party work.

      • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
        2 months ago

        No, I can say as a member of the party that you would not be micromanaged in some way where someone would force your hand in regards to any organizing. In fact, you already being an organizer and community leader by having the strength to put something like this together would be very impressive, and they’d likely just seek to help and get in dialogue w you and other organizers.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      2 months ago

      At all levels of the party - from a unit of five people to national leadership - we implement a Marxist process of investigation, outreach, action, reflection, and planning.

      OODA loops, but socialist

  • grandepequeno [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Joining literally any org that is locally established and does at least some real life work (instead of internet posting) is better than not.

    Vague allegations, rumours and hearsay have to be put inside because frankly for a lot of online people there are no stakes and they just lie our air personal problems out as more than they are, you’ll know whether it’s all true within literally a week of being involved anyway. I’ve heard bad or cringe shit too, but it’s always also better to assume it’s specific to 1 chapter anyway

  • Infamousblt [any]
    2 months ago

    Every US based leftist org has its own problems. I’m not intimately familiar with the PSLs brand of problems but they do have them.

    Overall though when I go to events in my area, be they mutual aid, protests, or otherwise, PSL always turns out to the ones that matter and they’re always well organized and well represented. I think that counts for something. Honestly if the PSL was perfect, the feds would have shut them down.

  • Babs [she/her]
    2 months ago

    PSL is good. Some of the older members of my party have really frustrating old beef with the national org, but locally they are very good and organized and make sure their members know their shit.

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    2 months ago

    In my personal experience they are really good at going to protests and bringing lots of signs and bullhorns, also they are good at giving talks on and publicizing very boilerplate partisan stances. They had the ability to shuttle people around to support nearby chapters at functions. Also in my experience, we (autonomous communists) provided them a space to operate out of, they tried to recruit from our circle, things devolved quickly into sectarianism, and the PSL chapter is not doing well now, to say the least (avoiding self-dox).

    There’s a lot floating around about the PSL, take it with the knowledge that everyone accumulates dirt, and it’s not a question of “clean” but whether you’re “less dirty”.

    • Babs [she/her]
      2 months ago

      This is the complaint I’ve heard the most - that they try to cannibalize other movements and take charge of events that other people organized.

      But also, does my city really need six different ML parties that only sometimes work together when they aren’t relitigating old personal drama? How different are our party lines really?

      • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        Taking over and combining parties is what Marx and Engels specialized in. I’m not opposed to Marxist-Leninist parties taking over less principled groups

        Eventually we want one big workers party right? I don’t see how that happens without hostile takeovers and absorption. I’m not saying it should be PSL necessarily, but the Bolsheviks didn’t keep SR or Mensheviks around once they had power.

        • Babs [she/her]
          2 months ago

          My current party is being really really nice and understanding about the fact that I have missed every single candidate class and most meetings because of my work schedule.

          Honestly, it’s a turn-off. Feels disorganized. I consider myself a pretty principled communist but they have no way to hold me to a party line and I feel the calling to find a group that will.

          But I’m sure there’s reasons why everyone needs their different party. Maybe the American Party of Labor guys have some doctrinal differences about AES, and PSL seems to have a monopoly on the electoralism thing. Worker’s World Party does a newspaper with neat comics, and shows up at events. CPUSA and PCUSA accuse each other of being liberals and patsocs… and then we have the local orgs that are trying to do something new altogether… but man I would love to have just one real good principled Communist Party that we could all roll with. It’s frustrating.

        • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
          2 months ago

          To be clear, when I referenced “us”, our political program is not Marxist though our economics largely are.

          As an outsider I’ve often wondered about the fragmentation. On one hand, it demonstrates one of two things: either DemCent Marxist parties in the US (and the West more broadly) have been thoroughly played by capitalist forces, splintered and turned against each other, or there is something to the idea that personal political differences are impossible to integrate around and require looser associations for the purpose of having some sort of coordination.

          For me it is a moot question, because either answer gives me the same analysis of the effectiveness of ML party formations in the West, and strategic outlook is the same regardless of which answer is true.

          What’s your angle? Can they resolve their differences and merge to form a proletarian party with a fighting chance? Is there a One True Party with the best analysis and program? Or are they all equivalent options whereby any party that squeezes out its rivals will deserve to rule?

  • LaughingLion [any, any]
    2 months ago

    Every org in the leftist space has vague allegations because vague allegations are easy to lob by every single spoiler and Fed and leftists are so quick accept them these days that it’s a tactic that does a lot of work. If you don’t know who is throwing those allegations or even any details of them I’d ignore them. If it’s “well I heard…” then they either did not hear it and are spreading the shit themselves or they heard it from someone who was doing that.

    PSL is good, in general.

  • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
    2 months ago

    I have never been a member of PSL, and I don’t know a ton about them. But I think something that’s universal for political orgs is it depends on your local chapter. Is it big enough to have well attended events and get stuff done without burnout? Can it avoid drama? Are the members people who you vibe with and can work with effectively? All of this matters way more than their national leadership or specific ideology imo.

    I don’t think there’s any way to figure out how out except asking people in your community or going to a few meetings.