I’ll keep you updated on my condition. Was trying to stay hydrated but water started tasting disgusting to me (hope it’s not tainted) so I’ve been drinking Dr. Pepper all evening instead.
How do your knees feel? Any sudden sharp, arrow-like pains?
Tell your loved ones that if you buy a Funko Pop they must put you down
sodas are just gamer water anyway. once the phobia of water truly begins to manifest via lack of bathing, the gamer must be taken out back and Old Yeller’d. Im sorry comrade this probably isnt what you wanted to hear today
I struck them down with my everyday carry katana, so they’re taken care of thankfully. While I’m otherwise thriving and fully on-hinge.
I used to live with a Gamer that had a phobia of water, looking back he likely has some real neuro-divergence going on, but his girlfriend would bathe him and when she went on a two week vacation he stated that he was going to wait until she got back to wash himself. I had to threaten to tell the girlfriend he had been cheating on her the entire time if he didn’t get in the shower.
his girlfriend would bathe him
Before they started dating he had been banned from multiple people’s homes because he left a stench that would linger for days afterwards, so it was a welcome respite for everyone that interacted with him that he would get into the shower at all.
Mmm… Dr Pepper
Reminds me I should get a couple of cans of Dr Pepper when I go shopping tomorrow
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brilliant lmao
You need to touch grass, it’s the only way to cure the “G” (G*mer) Virus.
Can I touch lemon grass instead? Because I refuse to go outside.
I’ll make an exception
I didn’t even know Skyrim had a rabbids crossover.
Probably the rabies.
I recently tried a dr pepper flavored meat stick and it was not pleasant. I don’t have anything else to add here.
once the only thing you can drink becomes Mountain Dew seek medical attention
if it ends up being Baja Blast than I’m afraid it’s terminal
pray they modded out the bad parts of that disease, or it might be fatal