Well I have a few hours into Satisfactory now and enjoying it. What have you all been playing?
I saw the “rate my space platform” post and my wallet levitated out of my pocket and Factorio’s space age dlc installed itself. It’s been a few years since my rocket base so I’m starting from scratch. Whooboy I forgot how much of a threat biters are and I’m not using anyone’s blueprints… It’s a bit rough but factorio remembers where it’s clawmarks were and I’m already starting oil processing and and the factory must grow
After I get through satisfactory I am going to get factorio. I can see more calculators and excel sheets in my future.
Enshrouded. So goooood!
Seconded. I have played a fair bit. Have not finished the last set of additions as I started to rebuild. Looking forward for the NPCs to be more dynamic which seems to be planned for the next release.
Satisfactory, so many things to do. I’m still not done yet and have 300 hours in this one save. (About 900 hours in total). Great game, made by great people.
I know a guy who’s 60+ who’s playing the game because you can build however fast and slow as you want.
I logged probably 100 hours into satisfactory before the spaghetti overwhelmed me, but I keep intending to go back and give it another shot.
I ended up tearing the entire factory up and rebuilding 3-4 times in my first save.
I just got a Pseudo saturn Kai for my Sega Saturn, and was able to play Nights Into Dreams on native hardware for the first time. It’s nice going back to the arcade-style games, especially since all the new stuff is so different from the classics.
I have a friend who is starting to collect consoles. It will be fun to load up some old classics and play them. I have an old Wii we use sometimes for Mario racing.
Fallout new Vegas with ttw…I’ve got to be over 2000 hours on this game over my life. It’s so nice to come back and experience it again
Just finished Super Hydorah. It’s sort of felt like a SNES gradius clone. Fun and not too hard for a shooter. Good stuff
Tonight, I started playing Gato Roboto. It’s obvious Metroid clone. Graphics are interesting being two colors but after a bit I didn’t really care.
Both games are in same for like $2 on Steam right now.
I like the graphics styling. I never really got into the side scrollers or platformers. I did not enjoy the rushed nature of most of them.
Transportation Fever 2.
I’m playing on PS5, but I saw the Steam deluxe edition is only $15 on sale now.
Am I really debating buying a game I already have? Yes I am debating that.
Something, something, Skyrim…
I recently got a triple monitor setup finally hooked up and configured. I hadn’t played American Truck Simulator in a long time, but I picked up the Midwestern states on sale. In the evenings, I’ve been enjoying exploring those routes, making deliveries as part of their Halloween event and listening to tunes.
That sounds pretty chill. How accurate is it? I assume they are using real maps for the roads but how is the filling out of the environment around the roads?
Chivalry II always fun
An indie single player roguelite extraction fps called Witchfire
And of course also Satisfactory (Id be playing factorio again for the 8th round but I do not have the time right now)
Game is crack
I am a huge sucker for metroidvania types and recently picked up Hollow Knight. The game hits that exploration and discovery itch perfectly, and each time you power up makes re-exploring the areas a real treat.
I can see why it has the reputation as one of the best metroidvania games out there.
UFO 50. The Wild West RPG Grimstone in the collection has been my week.
Nice collection of games. The RPG reminds me of gameboy games.
I got Dying Light 2 on sale a few days ago. I loved and hated the first one, which I finished last month. It was stressful but also fun. So far I think I liked the first game more, but I’m starting to enjoy 2.
I’ve also been dragging my feet on finishing Elden Ring, taking long breaks here and there. Another game I love and also hate sometimes.
Soon I’ll play Miles Morales, which I assume will be similar to Spiderman Remastered, and thus a nice break from stressful games.
I don’t have the time to burn on Elden Ring. Also not sure if the frustration it would bring would be good for me or anyone around me. :)