…took out some pen and paper and began to draw her most impressive feature…
I drew the enormous gap between her two front teeth. I showed her and…
…she got up without saying a word. She went straight to the bedroom and…
Took out the egg burrito she got from Tacos De La Sol De Mexico and bit into it violently. Then before she knew it…
the most disturbing gurgling noise started emerging from the depths of her bowels. She turned to me and…
Breathed out a blast of dentine ice into my face. I was shocked since I thought it would smell like Tacos. That’s when she winked at me and reached into her back pocket and pulled out…
a receipt for a live capybara. She hugged me and told me we’re about to become the proud parents of a giant rodent, due to be delivered to our front door any moment now. Naturally I…
Am calm in situations like these. But given the untimeliness of it all I screamed “MOM” at the top of my lungs before I fainted on the front lawn. Once I woke up, I called my father and asked for his advice. He told me…