• Tartas1995
    3 months ago

    A trans man feels like a man but before at least social transition, they probably don’t feel like a man, in the sense that we have been talking about it. Which is why they transition.

    It is ridiculous to read this and misunderstand what kind of “feeling like a man” we have been talking about.

    I am Talking about trans men because 1. They are men. We talked about men. 2. It is bs, to act like you understand why a trans man wants to social transition but give shit to any (apparently cis) men when they want to have their gender affirmed.

    Yes there are toxic men who expect ridiculous things from other people to feel affirmed, and often they are toxic. But this whole conversation is generalizations over generalization to toxic stereotypes. I am highlighting how much bs that is. Fucking treat people as individuals. If they want to meet their boys for a beer and discussing how the process of their different projects is going and what they might be able to do, to feel “manly”, then why do you have to be toxic to them? How does that make them insecure? Is my mother insecure when she goes to a girls night?

    People should fucking chill and if they want to judge people, be precise. Could you imagine how much the “immigrants are bad” folks would suffer if they had to be precise and explain to the class how their coworker is a good person and hard worker while being an immigrant, but all immigrants are lazy and criminal.

    I am sick of the left copying right wing rhetoric. People are individuals and most of them are pretty cool.

    So Where was my logic bad? Did we talk about fragile egos? No. We talked about a vague notion of men (not only cis) wanting to feel manly.