Drawing my angel character hehe, still gotta do a background!
Creative writing, organizing my phone and Macbook, relearning blender, making music in FL studio…
Just made my first blog, about 3D printing and coding my Mini Macro Pad.
I made chocolate chip banana bread, and wrote a silly little factbook for my nation in NationStates. I also looked at my knitting before my brain explode and I took a nap.
Ordered everything I need for a passively cooled server. Will mainly run Jellyfin, as well as some other stuff. I like my apartment, but I miss having a secluded space for a server closet.
Also started to set up a media centre PC that’s gonna go to my mother’s place, replace her streaming xbox.
Gonna let family, some friends connect via tailscale.
Made sourdough rye, planted more radishes, hoping to go to Pokemon go raid hour today.
Played in a couple soccer* games on Sunday, last two for the season coming up this Sunday.
*football, I know. Also, not really official as it’s 7 aside coed but a lot of fun for this old man!
Learn the pain of server admins and try for the first time to set up a website with a domain and fail miserably
I cut up an old tshirt and turned it into dust covers for my HOTAs peripherals.
Setup my self hosted email. Got a VPN. Now I how to find a phone to use and how I’m going to communicate