Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 17°C, max - 21°C. 25% chance of at least 25mm rain

Rainy day today, bring a brolly!

    1 month ago

    Something keeps digging a pretty big hole in the exact same spot in the chilli patch every night for the last 4 nights.

    There’s nothing there. Keeps on bowling over one of the chilli plants but not eating it.

    I think it’s a deranged anti-establishment marsupial hell bent on hole digging just for the fuck of it. If there is something under there, it can have it. But the poor chilli plant is visibly becoming upset. So rude.

    In other news seems like netting individual apricot branches has worked this year (so far). Left a fair few sacrificial ones un-netted for birds which are popular.