i KNEW i’d find a good use for this domain.
I did some testing for domain redirects, I think the best way to do a redirect (so you can use https) is using your own server (there might be some places that offer free cloud servers too tho)
first set up a dns record, with a name of @ (the root domain), type of A, and ‘data’ with the server’s public ip address. (there might be an easier way to do this on your domain provider, it just needs to direct the domain to your server with a standard webpage configuration, you might also want to set up www to redirect to the root using a CNAME type record)
then install nginx, put the following in the http section in /etc/nginx.conf:
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
I have the following config for an example redirect server (/etc/nginx/conf.d/test.conf):
server { listen 80; server_name test.adrian.place; # Redirect HTTP to HTTPS return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl; server_name test.adrian.place; http2 on; # Redirect all requests to the target URL return 301 https://xkcd.com$request_uri; }
and then enable and start the nginx systemd service, run certbot to set up https, and then reload the service
I was literally looking at punycode the other day. this is epic
O wait u own the domain and u made it redirect to this comm? thats so cool!!! :3 that alternative url and the other in the comments dont work for me tho unless Im doing something wrong
it’s kinda finnacky. most browsers will parse either one fine, but sometimes just convincing them it IS a url can be weird.
i tried to hyperlink both versions in this comment, but clicking the links in the preview actually crashed voyager for me! perchance punycode doesn’t play well with everyone quite yet lol
it doesn’t work for me :(
this http://ツ.gay/ should work :3
edit: huh wait it doesnt work when I click this link here but it works when I click it from my notes? XP
works in Firefox and Chrome on Windows, although it is very slow
in Chrome it seems to work when clicking, when opening in a new tab, when opening in a new window, but when opening in an incognito window it gives an “insecure” warning and doesn’t let you proceed to the site
ooh! it worked from my computer but not from my phone. Unicode must be weird or something on mobile🤔
i actually already have stickers of this design from an unrelated project that never came to fruition