Just remembered I had this bookmarked
Oh yeah, I was using this for A More Civilized Age but it stopped working.
it should be working again, let me know if not
Tysm. I love them, I just can’t afford excess $ atm
Super clutch site. Also didn’t realize it was that easy to put feeds into antennapod. I’d been manually downloading on my phone.
Sad that Seeking Derangements got lost again. If anyone knows another plug for that please share.
seeking derangements is now back
It’s not super reliable or convenient, but for anything with a patreon, try kemono.
too bad citations needed is not on it
Do they even have a premium feed?
I subscribe. I think the premium content is mostly just links to live streams, etc.
It is on the list tho
When I copy paste the url I always just get the patreon preview. Is I are stupid?
I use Player.fm as my podcast aggregator. To add Trashfuture’s premium feed, I clicked OP’s URL. Then I copied “https://jumble.top/f/trashfuture.xml” into the search feed of Player.fm to search for a new series. It asked if I wanted to add it, I clicked yes, and my feed populated with all of the premium episodes. You should be able to replicate that on other podcast apps.
Podcast addict also works
There’s some phone magic where i can get these feeds on an app, right?
If you download F-Droid and get Antenna Pod, as your podcast aggregator you can add the feeds directly to your ‘Add RSS’
Player.fm works as well. It’s mostly preference, I just prefer the GUI of Antenna-Pod.
Ok, i will look up f droid thanks.
I use pocket casts. Works for RSS feeds too, most podcast apps do. Just Google the app of your choice and “rss feed”
I just use Spotify
Anybody know a good podcast program for desktop? I was using VLC but a lot of episodes just cut out halfway through for no clear reason. If I download the files manually they work fine.
Also o7 to /u/jumble
@jumble@hexbear.net is one of ours? That’s rad! o7