Yelling at a server with hard drives decreases their performance.
But disk-kun is doing his best, don’t scream at him! (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
At first I was like 😡. But then I was like 😂
“Access Denied”
“YOU dare deny me!?”
Try this:

1 out of 10 people will get the joke.
So 1 out of 10 people is or has has dealings with a furry? :)
This incident doesn’t need to be reported … :)
So half of people
Next time you’re at a restaurant, you should say, “Sudo, can I have the lasagna as my main?”
“[name] is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.”
Sandwiches weren’t cutting it?
hold up, in what world is lasagna not a main?
man lasagna
You’ll still end up yelling at them, now over the correct pronunciation of
.sudo su. I am the manager now. Give me all the lasagna you have.
Sorry, user aviationeast is not allowed to execute ‘/bin/su’ as root on mintylasagna.
Super User Do, so soo doo.
Yeah, but that sounds dumb, so it’s soo doe.
it’s pronounced
Jraphics integreated format?