Do you think an European Citizens’ Initiative to ban Twitter in the EU would be beneficial and have a possibility of being successful?
I’m sorry if this is not a good community for this question. If not please point me to one.
We should ban it for politicians. Why on earth would you use a for-profit foreign platform for official communication?
I wrote to my MP asking them to stop using it and to help to get other MPs off the platform. Everyone should write to their representativea in government asking them to do the same.
This was the moment where banning twitter turned from a good idea into a non negotiable measure we need to take asap.
I’d prefer tariffs on Twitter and Tesla in all EU nations until the Trump tariffs are removed --> income should be used to fund European social media and European car production
Can I answer: “Yes” loudly enough?
Depends what “ban” means. If it refers to them not being able to be commercially active in the EU because they violate EU regulations, sure. So no selling ads, no targeting ads, no selling blue check-marks.
If it refers to preventing people from the EU to access their website through meddling with DNS or similar means, then i am against it. We should be able to access it, but they shouldnt be able to make money off it in the EU.
I do agree.
Some people might need access to those sites for various reasons (journalists making research, keeping in contact with friends overseas, etc.). But we ought to inform the european population about the dangers of using those services, and preferably move politics and country-specific communication (your local police station social media account) onto european solutions.
Cutting off or limiting the profits which american megacorps can make off the european population does also sound like a good idea.
X does not and will not comply with EU rules, and thus needs to be banned until they change (i.e. indefinitely).
I am also fine with escalating fines until the problems are addressed. Say, start with 1000$ and double that every week until they comply, either they do or there’ll be a lot of money.
Not a twitter/x or bluesky user, never really my type of preferred social media. So I wouldn’t miss it.
However we must realize the most crucial factor about X in Europe, the fact that it’s a clearly compromised and biased network, highly subject to corruption, division and disinformation.
Would the average person participate and support X if it was owned by a russian oligarch? And that russian propaganda was quite obvious within the social platform?
Some would, sure, but the majority would mistrust it and be far more critical about potentially false information.
So yeah, it should be categorically banned from EU nations. Not because I hate it, but because of the dangers of division it represents to our society. Specially when for those who like X-style platforms there’s already “non-regime” alternatives.
it kinda is owned by a russian oligarch
I would rather the users all realize it’s a nazi bar and stop using it, but that’s never going to happen. Too many people are oblivious, don’t care, or are pro-nazi. Shutting down the nazi bar with the power of the state is acceptable to me.
Yes. Freedom of speech? There is no true freedom of speech there so limiting X is not a violation of it
Banning shitter - sounds okay to me
Fuck Twitter but not sure a ban would be a good thing
Banning fascists instead of accomodating them is absolutely the right thing to do. It’s accommodating them that got us into this mess.
A tiktok ban style law would go against freedom of speech. Better to let the EC and the courts ban Twitter based on the existing, sensible DSA law.
Banning a platform doesn’t take the right to speak freely
will they do it though?
To be honest, I wouldn’t mind. I also wouldn’t mind banning any and all of social media.
The experiment was fun while it lasted but as is often the case some people poison the well. And that happened to every social media. In my eyes every social media is very much a propaganda tool and destabilizes the democracies around the world. The corporations behind these are not moderating enough because they don’t want to or it is to costly for them or just - what I can understand - too much to do feasibly.
So every social media should be banned. I understand that this is not what everyone thinks or wants to hear, but in my eyes the car already hit the wall and we have to live with the consequences.
(I do fully understand that this means reddit, feddit, youtube and others. I would really miss feddit and youtube but well… I like to live in a progressive society and not in a dystopian, propaganda riddled shadow of its former self.)It sounds like your advocating banning open communication
There are still some ways to use banned apps and programmes. Besides it takes away opportunity of making your own decisions and creates the atmosphere of censorship.