Staff at some of London’s biggest NHS hospitals have been banned from wearing pro-Palestine symbols after complaints they were “upsetting and intimidating” vulnerable patients.

The move came after UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) raised the case of a young Jewish woman who attended Whipps Cross for a caesarean and encountered three members of staff wearing pro-Palestine badges in a 24-hour period.

Two wore “Free Palestine” badges on their lanyards and one had a watermelon symbol, a reference to the Palestinian colours, pinned to their uniform.

The woman, who attended Whipps Cross in January, said: “The display of these symbols made me feel extremely vulnerable, particularly given the level of anti-Semitic activity we’re all witnessing via the extreme elements of online activity and at the UK-wide marches.

  • unexposedhazard
    2 days ago

    “If nothing else, it was a time – for one day – when I wanted to shut out the outside world and was instead faced with a reminder of the increasing threats against the safety of Jewish people, even if not perpetrated by these individuals.”

    Eh nah, i dont think your imaginary persecution is more important than peoples rights to bring attention to the continued murder of new born babies like yours. If all you think of when you see a Palestinian flag is “threats against Jewish people” then that says everything.

    “I equally feel that an Israeli flag on a lanyard would be inappropriate."

    Yeah im sure you would totally file the same complaint, sure buddy…

      1 day ago

      imagine Gazans fantasizing about a single day free of the toxic smoking pit that has become their homeland, not to mention the decades of open incarceration before that. the privilege of these statements is sickening.