Letting the days go by, there is water underground
This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!
Where IS that large automobile!?
No, the water is being pumped out of the aquifers and into the desert by Saudi companies so they can raise their almond trees. Sorry.
You see, there was the ape called
most likely.
Hombre, was it?
Or was it Hurricane ?
This is the story of Harambe
Gorilla the authorities came to blame
For something that he never done
Haiku-bot , is that you ?
Gosh it’s been so long I’ve just forgotten for whom I’m keeping my dick out.
Damn , that one we’ll never forget ! Dicks out for Harambe !!!
The Mayan calendar ended in late 2012, and the Mayan gods hadn’t planned that far in advance, so they’re just making things up as they go along.
Some eejit tried to park his aeroplane in a skyscraper