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nickyflowers posts:

it would be cool if websites let you be an adult on them. the advertisers and payment processors need everything to be Family Friendly though and their definitions of family and friendly are absolutely fucked. but since they’re in charge of the Internet now, no one is allowed to be an adult. tiktokers say things like “unalive” and “seggs” because they know death and sex are too adult for online. online is for idiot babies only now because they’re easier to market to

nickyflowers replies:
oh im sorry you’re a trans adult? super ban. you are super banned for life. you have upset Visa’s feelings. Mastercard is throwing up in the corner. how could you do this to Google Ads?

    8 days ago

    It led to this crazy debate about how a city should be so safe and saccharine that a child can walk around unattended. Weird

    (Emphasis mine)

    TBH, I think this is a very American and kinda conservative take. In most places outside the US and Canada kids walk to school and other places by themselves in urban areas.

    Now, I don’t think that means you shouldn’t be able to buy a dildo or whatever, but I don’t agree with the idea that suburbs or small towns are inherently more safe and wholesome. That’s literally just conservative propaganda.

    But, if there are public spaces that are actually physically unsafe for a child to be in, that’s a failure of society IMO. For the same reason that its a failure if a woman, or a trans person, or a neurodivergent person is put into danger just for existing in the wrong place. People under the age of 18 are human beings too, just ones with different needs from adults, and like all human beings they deserve to be able to exist in public without fearing for their life.

      8 days ago

      I think this is one of the very few conservative points thay we should not simply disregard offhand.
      I don’t have all the data and have not done a thorough investigation but looking at crime rates from City-Data and USAFacts cities seem to be higher on average.

      Now, could this be due to larger police forces and higher reporting? Could it be due to the inherent racism our legal system is based upon?
      I’m not the one to say.
      Also there is always going to be variation in the data for many factors.

          8 days ago

          In your own link:

          Which means there’s a growing gap between New York City and most of the rest of urban America.

          You’re comparing an outlier.

          On top of this, the graph from your own link says large meteopolotan areas have more murder than rural areas. Did you go to your own link?

            8 days ago

            And remember, these are statistics for New York […] I used the word “inherently” above for a reason.

            Did you read my comment?

            These articles reference New York specifically because it was considered to be so notoriously dangerous in the 80 and 90s. It hasn’t gotton any less urban since then so what else has changed? And I bring up cities that are even safer despite having a comparable or higher population.

            Again, I use the word “inherently” for a reason. I do not think that it is impossible for a city to be bad, you can fuck up a city like you can any community. But I don’t think there’s anything about urban areas that makes the people there violent just as I don’t think there’s anything about rural areas that makes the people virtuous. It mostly has to do with how many people are poor and desperate enough to turn to crime and miserable enough to turn to hard drugs.