Do you believe that men who have successfully transitioned should be allowed to compete in women’s sports? Let’s not attack each other and just give our opinion and give educated, civil answers

    1 year ago

    I’m being downvoted here so clearly I’m in the minority view. But I ask you this: how many actual cases of a trans woman athlete affecting the outcome of some sporting event can you cite off the top of your head? For me (and I’d like to think generally that I follow the news pretty closely) the answer is almost none, although to be fair I’ve heard of a few. Now, how many cases of state legislators pushing anti-trans legislation have you heard of? Again for me, it’s a lot more - by a mile. This is what I mean by it’s a “trivial” problem. It’s not that it’s not a real problem, and it’s not that it’s not a problem that ought to be addressed. But in the grand scheme of things, where comparing literally losing civil rights to losing a sports match, and imho the sports discussion is crowding out the much more critical discussion.

        1 year ago

        OK - this is a legit example. But to my point, it’s a regional bike race in North Carolina. Meanwhile, anti-trans legislation has it’s own wikipedia page. There are hundreds of anti-trans bills on the legislative docket, and some have passed and been signed into law.

        If you want to start a list I would be interested to see it, just to see exactly how pervasive a problem it actually is.

        I get that sports are important to people. But in the big picture of things, my personal opinion (this is still a discussion, right? we’re still allowed to have opinions, right?) is that, here and now in the USA is not the appropriate time to discuss how to allow trans-women to participate in sports. Imagine if the discussion about Jackie Robinson integrating MLB went a different way. “He’s too dominant, we shouldn’t allow black people to play MLB.” Now of course it didn’t go that way (thankfully). But it could have.

        • M Force
          1 year ago

          We could make a list. I’m gonna make a broad statement that there is no anti trans legislation. There is only protect children legislation and that wiki page is maintained by groomers. Maybe you can find a small piece of legislation that effects a small percentage of adult transitioners but for the most part these laws are here to stop parents from castrating their children

            1 year ago

            do you need me to cite ALL the cases of non-trans people that are ACTUAL pedophiles and groomers? And then while we’re at it why don’t we also list all the actual trans individuals that have been convicted of pedophila? I will give you a heads up that the former is FAR greater (orders of magnitude greater) than the latter.

            • M Force
              1 year ago

              Anyone who transitions a child is a groomer j would say. Maybe not yet a pedo but maybe something worse. Castrating a child is arguably worse than raping them one time.

              I think if some guy stuck his PP in my mouth one time as a child I could recover (with therapy and maybe with lost potential) but removing my balls and it giving me puberty blockers that cause micro penis would destroy my body for a life time.

              Of course most trans are not pedos. (Though their pedo rate is higher than the general population). I wasn’t even making that argument. After 18 kids can decide for themselves if they want to chop their balls off.

      1 year ago

      I can’t follow your logic. Trans people may be marginalized in some areas where it doesn’t make sense, therefore we’ll be ignoring an area where there’s room (and need) for a completely reasonable debate, and as a result we’ll just completely ignore the issues of another marginalized group?

      Make it make sense.

      If the debate here would be whether trans people should have access to sports at all, then yes you could easily point out who’s the asshole denying those rights. But this is not the case. The debate isn’t about access to sports in general, but to female sports specifically.

      If you refuse to even engage in the debate, or think about the consequences, then you don’t understand the issue of women in sports in general. I’ve given you some pointers to think about already, so you could stop with this falacy.

      Simply put it, sports have very different rules then society as a whole. Lots of things that make sense in one don’t make sense in the other. Or do you think you can rewrite rules of baseball because of some legislation about road traffic?

      This is something the sports bodies need to decide on, specifically sports bodies that oversee women sports. Pushing either agenda based on politics outside the sports (like the legislation you mention) is just damaging the entire concept of sports.

        1 year ago

        “Make it make sense.”

        Let’s look at the actual data - how many trans-women athletes are engaged in competitive sports in women’s divisions where they’ve shown a dominating advantage due to their physique/physiology? I concede that n>1. But I also believe that n is relatively small (based on my personal experience following the news, which I also concede is not the best way to do it). I believe that the NCAA has done a study on this and found that this situation is rare. Another commenter seemed interested in starting a list, and I would be interested to see it.

          1 year ago

          Thing is, you really only need one, or a small rare handful, to dominate their field in a way that’s not achievable by cis women. I mean, only one person can have the gold medal, or a world record, or be a champion.

          If you don’t get it, you either a) are missing the entire point of sports, b) are invalidating the needs and specifics of women sports.

          How are you so adamant about rights of one group yet completely dismissing the rights and needs of another? I’ve already explained to you the situation in women sports.

          The only question at hand is whether trans women have an advantage. If the sporting bodies conclude that yes, then the only reasonable answer is to not allow them to compete, regardless of whatever political situation is outside of the sport. If the answer is no, then sure let them, but it doesn’t seem like that’s the case.

          Or maybe it’s individual. It’s not the first time people in sports would be forced into some restrictions. There’s been similar debates about para athletes with prostheses, whether they may have advantages over fleshy human bits.

          Regardless, I’m exiting this debate. I’m not interested in this matter that much, at least not to run in circles. I’ll just leave it to the sporting bodies.

      1 year ago

      undefined> But I ask you this: how many actual cases of a trans woman athlete affecting the outcome of some sporting event can you cite off the top of your head?

      Utterly irrelevant. Most things don’t affect many people. This is destroying women’s careers for no benefit and it needs to stop. Trans athletes can compete in Mens/Open leagues right now. They don’t want equal rights, they want special rights.