I’ll admit I’m a little lost/down, it came out of nowhere! Over the years he’s produced an endless stream of genuinely interesting videos. I can’t really think of any other video hosts that can make a wide range of topics sound so interesting.
Probably I’m just scared of change…
On the flip side though, I’m really happy that he’s decided his personal happiness is more important, and has decided to focus on people close to him.
What are your thoughts?
I’ll admit I’m a little lost/down, it came out of nowhere!
Not to be a jackass, but I distinctly remember watching a video at the beginning of July about how he would leave in six months, and he even said his last video would go up on January 1st. It looks like the video has since been privated.
What are your thoughts?
I’m going to miss him as long as he’s not making YouTube videos, but everyone deserves a break. Still, I selfishly hope he returns soon or at all, but if not then that’s good too.
Thanks for the good times, Tom.
Was going to say the same - I distinctly remember him making a direct announcement back around June-July about him going on hiatus, and a fair few subsequent mentions throughout the last ~6 months of videos, so it’s hardly fair to Tom to say it came completely out of nowhere
I think he privates all his update videos after a certain length of time, to avoid people being confused.
Came out of nowhere?
He announced it months ago.
Yea, known this day was coming for 3+ months.
Love his content, love his podcast, and hope that he finds a new stride for himself, either making more videos or doing something else.
Why do I keep seeing people say it out of no where? He announced it months ago
He announced it twice. Once a year ago and then a couple months ago as a reminder.
Yeah ok, ive definitely known about it for a long time. I don’t watch his videos every week and I saw it
I dont watch his videos at all and I knew he was retiring
He did mentioned he’s gonna quit half year ago, so it doesn’t really a surprise for me. Still, i’m gonna miss his series for a bit.
I mean, I am going to miss the regular videos, but I’m glad he’s getting to step away on his own terms. So many youtubers burn out, stop uploading, and then just disappear. Or they turn into a brand that they have to manage instead of creating what they want to. Not many get to fly off into the sunset under a helicopter, so that’s nice. Plus, he’s not stepping away from creating stuff entirely so there’s that.
I respect it. He has been going on for 10 years. It’s crazy seeing how much work it is. I hope he finds what make him happy.
it came out of nowhere!
It really didn’t. He literally made a video a while back saying he was doing this. And has alluded to it in several of the videos he’s made in the past couple of months.
Wasn’t it almost a year ago that he announced this was his plan?
Pretty happy about it honestly. He’s been counting down to this for ages in his newsletter, so it’s far from a blindside on my end.
I’ve preferred much of his “second channel” content for a while now anyways, and I suspect we’ll see lots of interesting content outside of the boundaries of “things you may not know”.
Ultimately his biggest priority is himself, as he mentioned in the video to keep going he need to move to more of a manager role and he isn’t keen on that so stepping back is the other option
I look forward to more techdiff stuff and hope he does well in his future endeavours.
I’ll miss his regular content, but dude deserves a break. All the best to him and I hope he continues to make content as he feels comfortable in so doing.
I support him in doing what he wants. The videos were great but the man doesn’t owe me anything.
Best hope is that he comes back after a rest.
It’s a shame to see him go, as his weekly uploads were always interesting things to look at, and have inspired some parts of my bucket list…
Having said that, after 10 years of weekly uploads (about 520 videos) without missing a single one (excluding guest videos), he absolutely deserves a hiatus from this series.
If his passions lie in his other works (ala Technical Difficulties), I say let him pursue those - I’d much rather see Tom work on other content than have him burn out and dissappear from the internet entirely, he’s too good for that.
Plus, who knows, maybe he’ll come back to do one-off specials or start it up again with less frequent uploads - but either way, that’s for Tom to decide, not us.
To me it’s also about integrity. Know when to stop and when to take a break. Sometimes it’s good to stop while things are good instead of him keep pushing himself to produce untill something bad happens like worse quality. Scandalous YouTube drama arises or what ever else he’s in risk of ending up on. I’d rather keep remembering Tom as a really good person and YouTuber withe excellent content than a Tom who lost to the system. Also he might have a comeback with something else, something new and innovative that we couldn’t even imagine.
It means that YouTube lost one of the better content creators. He will surely be missed.
Good to see he’s putting his own well-being as his top priority and not the “influencer” career as many fall to. He deserves a break.